Web, Graphics & Perl TK: Best of the Perl Journal

Jon Orwant

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2003-03-20
  • 定價: $1,380
  • 售價: 9.5$1,311
  • 貴賓價: 9.0$1,242
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 448
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596003110
  • ISBN-13: 9780596003111
  • 相關分類: Perl 程式語言
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)




In its first five years of existence, The Perl Journal (TPJ) became the voice of the Perl community. Every serious Perl programmer subscribed to it, and every notable Perl guru jumped at the opportunity to write for it. TPJ explained critical Perl topics and demonstrated Perl's utility for fields as diverse as astronomy, biology, economics, AI, and games. Back issues were hoarded, or swapped like trading cards. No longer in print format, The Perl Journal remains a proud and timeless achievement of Perl during one of its most exciting periods of development.

Web, Graphics & Perl/Tk is the second volume of The Best of the Perl Journal, compiled and re-edited by the original editor and publisher of The Perl Journal, Jon Orwant. In this series, we've taken the very best (and still relevant) articles published in TPJ over its five years of publication and immortalized them into three volumes.

The forty articles included in this volume are simply some of the best Perl articles ever written on the subjects of graphics, the Web, and Perl/Tk, by some of the best Perl authors and coders.

Much of Perl's success is due to its capabilities for developing web sites; the Web section covers popular topics such as CGI programs, mod_perl, spidering, HTML parsing, security, and content management. The Graphics section is a grab bag of techniques, ranging from simple graph generation to ray tracing and real-time video digitizing. The Perl/Tk section shows you how to use the popular Perl/Tk toolkit for developing graphical applications that work on both Unix/Linux and Windows without a single change.

Written by twenty-three of the most prominent and prolific members of the closely-knit Perl community, including Lincoln Stein, Mark-Jason Dominus, Alligator Descartes, and Dan Brian, this anthology does what no other book can, giving unique insight into the real-life applications and powerful techniques made possible by Perl.

Table of Contents


1. Introduction

Part I. Web

2. CGI Programming

3. Saving CGI State

4. Cookies

5. mod_perl

6. Creating mod_perl Applications

7. Proxying with mod_perl

8. Authentication with mod_perl

9. Navigation Bars with mod_perl

10. Scripting the Web with LWP

11. Five Quick Hacks: Downloading Web Pages

12. Downloading Web Pages Through a Proxy Server

13. HTML::Parser

14. Scanning HTML

15. A Web Spider in One Line

16. webpluck

17. Torture-Testing Web Servers and CGI Scripts

18. Securing Your CGI Scripts

19. Building Web Sites with Mason

20. Surreal HTML

21. Web Page Tastefulness

22. Summarizing Web Pages with HTML::Summary

23. Wireless Surfing with WAP and WML

Part II. Graphics

24. Web Plots with Gnuplot

25. GD-Graph3d

26. GD and L-Systems

27. OpenGL

28. Ray Tracing

29. Perl and the Gimp

30. Glade

31. Gnome Panel Applets

32. Capturing Video in Real Time

Part III. Perl/Tk

33. A Perl/Tk Roadmap

34. Getting Started with Perl/Tk

35. Scoreboard: A 15-Minute Perl/Tk Application

36. The Mouse Odometer

37. Events

38. The Pack and Grid Geometry Managers

39. Drawing on a Canvas

40. Displaying Databases with the Tree Widget


About the Authors


在它成立的前五年中,《The Perl Journal》(TPJ)成為了Perl社群的代表聲音。每個嚴肅的Perl程式設計師都訂閱了它,每個著名的Perl專家都迫不及待地為它寫作。TPJ解釋了關鍵的Perl主題,並展示了Perl在天文學、生物學、經濟學、人工智慧和遊戲等領域的實用性。舊期刊被囤積起來,或像交換卡片一樣交換。《The Perl Journal》不再以印刷形式存在,但它仍然是Perl在其最激動人心的發展時期之一的一個引以為傲且永恆的成就。

《Web, Graphics & Perl/Tk》是《The Perl Journal》的第二卷,由《The Perl Journal》的原編輯和出版人Jon Orwant編輯和重新編輯。在這個系列中,我們選取了TPJ在五年出版期間發表的最佳(且仍然相關)文章,並將它們永久地收錄在三卷中。



這本選集由Perl社群中最著名和多產的二十三位成員撰寫,包括Lincoln Stein、Mark-Jason Dominus、Alligator Descartes和Dan Brian等人,這本選集做到了其他書籍無法做到的事情,為Perl所實現的現實應用和強大技術提供了獨特的洞察力。



1. 簡介


2. CGI程式設計
3. 保存CGI狀態
4. Cookies
5. mod_perl
6. 創建mod_perl應用程式
7. 使用mod_perl進行代理
8. 使用mod_perl進行身份驗證
9. 使用mod_perl創建導航欄
10. 使用LWP腳本化網頁
11. 五個快速技巧:下載網頁
12. 通過代理伺服器下載網頁
13. HTML::Parser
14. 掃描HTML
15. 一行程式碼的網頁爬蟲
16. webpluck
17. 測試網頁伺服器和CGI腳本
18. 保護您的CGI腳本
19. 使用Mason建立網站
20. 超現實HTML
21. 網頁品味
22. 使用HTML::Summary總結網頁
23. 使用WAP和WML進行無線上網


24. 使用Gnuplot繪製網頁圖表
25. GD-Graph3d
26. GD和L-Systems
27. OpenGL
28. 光線追蹤
29. Perl和Gimp
30. Glade
31. Gnome面板小工具
32. 實時捕捉視頻


33. Perl/Tk路線圖
34. 開始使用Perl/Tk
35. 計分板:一個15分鐘的Perl/Tk應用程式
36. 鼠標里程表
37. 事件
38. Pack和Grid佈局管理器
39. 在畫布上繪圖
40. 使用樹狀小工具顯示資料庫

