Oracle Essentials: Oracle9i, Oracle8i & Oracle8, 2/e (Paperback)

Rick Greenwald, Robert Stackowiak, Jonathan Stern

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2001-06-15
  • 定價: $1,225
  • 售價: 1.6$199
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 450
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0596001797
  • ISBN-13: 9780596001797
  • 相關分類: Oracle
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=2)




The second edition of O'Reilly's bestselling Oracle Essentials has been updated to include the latest Oracle release, Oracle9i.

Oracle Essentials distills an enormous amount of information about Oracle's myriad technologies and releases into a compact, easy-to-read volume filled with focused text, illustrations, and helpful hints. Oracle9i promises to be an even more significant upgrade than Oracle8i, offering such major features as Real Application Clusters, flashback queries, Oracle personalization, clickstream intelligence, and Oracle Database Cache and Web Cache; it also promises significant improvements in Oracle's business intelligence, XML integration, high availability, and management capabilities. The book includes overviews of these features, as well as the new Oracle9I Application Server (Oracle9iAS) and Oracle9i Portal.

The book contains chapters on:

  • Oracle products, options, and overall architecture for Oracle9i and other recent releases

  • Installing and running Oracle: creating databases, configuring Net8 (known as Oracle Net in Oracle9i), starting up and shutting down Oracle
  • Oracle data structures, datatypes, and ways of extending datatypes

  • Managing Oracle: security, the Oracle Enterprise Manager, fragmentation and reorganization, and backup and recovery

  • Oracle networking, monitoring, and tuning

  • Multi-user concurrency, online transaction processing (OLTP), and high availability

  • Hardware architectures (e.g., SMP, MPP, NUMA) and their impact on Oracle

  • Data warehousing and distributed databases

  • Oracle9i, Oracle8i, and the Web, including the latest Java, web, and XML technologies, interMedia, Oracle9i Application Server, and Oracle9i Portal

For new Oracle users, DBAs, developers, and managers, Oracle Essentials is an all-in-one introduction to the full range of Oracle features and technologies, including the just-released Oracle9i features. But even if you already have a library full of Oracle documentation, this compact book is the one you'll turn to, again and again, as your one-stop, truly essential reference.


O'Reilly暢銷書籍《Oracle Essentials》的第二版已經更新,包含最新的Oracle版本,Oracle9i。

《Oracle Essentials》將Oracle的眾多技術和版本的大量資訊壓縮成一本簡潔易讀的書籍,內容豐富,包含了專注的文字、插圖和實用提示。Oracle9i承諾是比Oracle8i更重大的升級,提供了許多重要功能,如Real Application Clusters、回溯查詢、Oracle個性化、點擊流智能和Oracle Database Cache和Web Cache;同時,它還承諾在Oracle的商業智能、XML整合、高可用性和管理能力方面有顯著改進。本書概述了這些功能,以及新的Oracle9i應用服務器(Oracle9iAS)和Oracle9i Portal。

- Oracle產品、選項和Oracle9i及其他最新版本的整體架構
- 安裝和運行Oracle:創建數據庫、配置Net8(在Oracle9i中稱為Oracle Net)、啟動和關閉Oracle
- Oracle數據結構、數據類型和擴展數據類型的方法
- Oracle管理:安全性、Oracle企業管理器、碎片化和重組,以及備份和恢復
- Oracle網絡、監控和調優
- 多用戶並發、在線事務處理(OLTP)和高可用性
- 硬件架構(例如SMP、MPP、NUMA)及其對Oracle的影響
- 數據倉庫和分佈式數據庫
- Oracle9i、Oracle8i和Web,包括最新的Java、Web和XML技術、interMedia、Oracle9i應用服務器和Oracle9i Portal

對於新的Oracle用戶、數據庫管理員、開發人員和經理來說,《Oracle Essentials》是一本全面介紹Oracle功能和技術的綜合性入門書,包括剛發布的Oracle9i功能。即使您已經擁有一個充滿Oracle文檔的圖書館,這本簡潔的書籍也是您一站式、真正必不可少的參考資料。