$931Invitation to Cryptography
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For many everyday transmissions, it is essential to protect digital information from noise or eavesdropping. This undergraduate introduction to error correction and cryptography is unique in devoting several chapters to quantum cryptography and quantum computing, thus providing a context in which ideas from mathematics and physics meet. By covering such topics as Shor's quantum factoring algorithm, this text informs the reader about current thinking in quantum information theory and encourages an appreciation of the connections between mathematics and science.Of particular interest are the potential impacts of quantum physics:(i) a quantum computer, if built, could crack our currently used public-key cryptosystems; and (ii) quantum cryptography promises to provide an alternative to these cryptosystems, basing its security on the laws of nature rather than on computational complexity. No prior knowledge of quantum mechanics is assumed, but students should have a basic knowledge of complex numbers, vectors, and matrices.
• Accessible to readers familiar with matrix algebra, vector spaces and complex numbers
• First undergraduate text to cover cryptography, error-correction, and quantum computation together
• Features exercises designed to enhance understanding, including a number of computational problems, available from www.cambridge.org/9780521534765
Table of Contents
1. Cryptography: an overview; 2. Quantum mechanics; 3. Quantum cryptography; 4. An introduction to error-correcting codes; 5. Quantum cryptography revisited; 6. Generalized Reed-Solomon codes; 7. Quantum computing; Appendix.
對於許多日常傳輸,保護數位資訊免受噪音或竊聽是至關重要的。本書是一本針對本科生的錯誤更正和密碼學的入門書籍,獨特之處在於專門花幾章介紹量子密碼學和量子計算,從而提供一個數學和物理概念交匯的背景。通過涵蓋如 Shor 的量子因數分解算法等主題,本書使讀者了解量子資訊理論的當前思潮,並鼓勵對數學與科學之間聯繫的欣賞。特別值得關注的是量子物理的潛在影響:(i) 如果建造出量子計算機,將能破解我們目前使用的公鑰密碼系統;(ii) 量子密碼學有望提供這些密碼系統的替代方案,其安全性基於自然法則而非計算複雜性。本書不假設讀者具備量子力學的先前知識,但學生應具備複數、向量和矩陣的基本知識。
• 讀者需具備矩陣代數、向量空間和複數的基礎知識
• 首本同時涵蓋密碼學、錯誤更正和量子計算的本科教材
• 包含旨在增強理解的練習題,包括多個計算問題,詳情可見 www.cambridge.org/9780521534765
1. 密碼學:概述;2. 量子力學;3. 量子密碼學;4. 錯誤更正碼簡介;5. 量子密碼學再探;6. 一般化的 Reed-Solomon 碼;7. 量子計算;附錄。