Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, 5/e (IE-Paperback)
暫譯: 粒子與系統的經典動力學,第5版 (IE-平裝本)

Stephen T. Thornton , Jerry B. Marion



●Written for maximum flexibility, this best-selling junior level mechanics text is easily adaptable to any length--one- or two-semester--or focus of course.
●LAGRANGIAN and HAMILTONIAN DYNAMICS are introduced early in the text.
●This text has an entire chapter on NONLINEAR METHODS.
●NUMERICAL METHODS PROBLEMS are included for students to solve using a computer.


● 本書為最佳銷售的初級力學教材,具備最大的靈活性,能輕鬆適應任何長度——一學期或兩學期——或課程重點。
● 拉格朗日(LAGRANGIAN)和哈密頓(HAMILTONIAN)動力學在書中早期介紹。
● 本書有一整章專門討論非線性方法(NONLINEAR METHODS)。
● 本書包含數值方法(NUMERICAL METHODS)問題,供學生使用電腦解決。


1. Matrices, Vectors, and Vector Calculus.
2. Newtonian Mechanics--Single Particle.
3. Oscillations.
4. Nonlinear Oscillations and Chaos.
5. Gravitation.
6. Some Methods in the Calculus of Variations.
7. Hamilton''s Principle--Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics.
8. Central-Force Motion.
9. Dynamics of a System of Particles.
10. Motion in a Noninertial Reference Frame.
11. Dynamics of Rigid Bodies.
12. Coupled Oscillations.
13. Continuous Systems: Waves.
14. Special Theory of Relativity.
Selected References.
Answers to Even-Numbered Problems.


1. Matrices, Vectors, and Vector Calculus.

2. Newtonian Mechanics--Single Particle.

3. Oscillations.

4. Nonlinear Oscillations and Chaos.

5. Gravitation.

6. Some Methods in the Calculus of Variations.

7. Hamilton''s Principle--Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics.

8. Central-Force Motion.

9. Dynamics of a System of Particles.

10. Motion in a Noninertial Reference Frame.

11. Dynamics of Rigid Bodies.

12. Coupled Oscillations.

13. Continuous Systems: Waves.

14. Special Theory of Relativity.


Selected References.


Answers to Even-Numbered Problems.