Crystal Structures: Patterns and Symmetry (Paperback)
暫譯: 晶體結構:模式與對稱(平裝本)

O'Keeffe, Michael, Hyde, Bruce G.



This classic text is devoted to describing crystal structures, especially periodic structures, and their symmetries. Much of its content is essential to serious students of solid state chemistry and related sciences, which include mineralogy, materials science, and solid state physics. The treatment is the product of decades of research by authors Michael O'Keeffe and Bruce G. Hyde, and it provides a solid foundation for those entering the field.
The first three chapters introduce point and space symmetry groups using crystallographic conventions. With this background, students will be able to understand useful information from the crystallographic literature. Chapter 4 treats crystal geometry and features a discussion of transformations of coordinate systems. Chapters 5 through 7 are devoted to the description of simple geometric patterns that underlie crystal structures. Exercises and notes follow each chapter, and the text concludes with several appendixes. Updated material prepared for this Dover edition by Professor O'Keeffe and Dr. Proserpio enhances the presentation, which can serve as a textbook and as a general reference.


這本經典的著作專注於描述晶體結構,特別是週期性結構及其對稱性。其內容對於固態化學及相關科學的認真學生來說是必不可少的,這些科學包括礦物學、材料科學和固態物理學。這本書的內容是作者 Michael O'Keeffe 和 Bruce G. Hyde 幾十年研究的成果,為進入該領域的人提供了堅實的基礎。

前三章使用晶體學慣例介紹點對稱和空間對稱群。擁有這些背景知識後,學生將能夠理解晶體學文獻中的有用信息。第四章探討晶體幾何,並討論坐標系的變換。第五至第七章專注於描述構成晶體結構的簡單幾何圖案。每章後面都有練習題和註解,文本最後附有幾個附錄。由 O'Keeffe 教授和 Proserpio 博士為這本 Dover 版準備的更新材料增強了內容的呈現,該書既可作為教科書,也可作為一般參考書。


Michael O'Keeffe has taught at Arizona State University since 1963, where he is now Regents' Professor Emeritus in the School of Molecular Science.
Bruce G. Hyde (1925-2014) was Professor of Chemistry at the Australian National University in Canberra.


邁克爾·奧基夫(Michael O'Keeffe)自1963年以來在亞利桑那州立大學任教,目前是分子科學學院的名譽校長教授。

布魯斯·G·海德(Bruce G. Hyde,1925-2014)曾是澳大利亞國立大學(Australian National University)化學系的教授。