Introduction to Quantum Mechanics with Applications to Chemistry (Paperback)
暫譯: 量子力學導論及其在化學中的應用(平裝本)

Linus Pauling, E. Bright Wilson Jr.



When this classic text was first published in 1935, it fulfilled the goal of its authors "to produce a textbook of practical quantum mechanics for the chemist, the experimental physicist, and the beginning student of theoretical physics." Although many who are teachers today once worked with the book as students, the text is still as valuable for the same undergraduate audience.
Two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, Research Professor at the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine, Palo Alto, California, and E. Bright Wilson, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at Harvard University, provide a readily understandable study of "wave mechanics," discussing the Schrodinger wave equation and the problems which can be solved with it. Extensive knowledge of mathematics is not required, although the student must have a grasp of elementary mathematics through the calculus. Pauling and Wilson begin with a survey of classical mechanics, including Newton's equations of motion in the Lagrangian form, and then move on to the "old" quantum theory, developed through the work of Planck, Einstein and Bohr. This analysis leads to the heart of the book ― an explanation of quantum mechanics which, as Schrodinger formulated it, "involves the renunciation of the hope of describing in exact detail the behavior of a system." Physics had created a new realm in which classical, Newtonian certainties were replaced by probabilities ― a change which Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (described in this book) subsequently reinforced.
With clarity and precision, the authors guide the student from topic to topic, covering such subjects as the wave functions for the hydrogen atom, perturbation theory, the Pauli exclusion principle, the structure of simple and complex molecules, Van der Waals forces, and systems in thermodynamic equilibrium. To insure that the student can follow the mathematical derivations, Pauling and Wilson avoid the "temptation to condense the various discussions into shorter and perhaps more elegant forms" appropriate for a more advanced audience. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics is a perfect vehicle for demonstrating the practical application of quantum mechanics to a broad spectrum of chemical and physical problems.



兩次獲得諾貝爾獎的林納斯·鮑林(Linus Pauling),加州帕洛阿爾托的林納斯·鮑林科學與醫學研究所的研究教授,以及哈佛大學的化學名譽教授E. Bright Wilson, Jr.,提供了一個易於理解的「波動力學」研究,討論了薛丁格波動方程及其可解決的問題。雖然不需要廣泛的數學知識,但學生必須掌握從微積分到基礎數學的基本概念。鮑林和威爾遜首先對經典力學進行概述,包括牛頓運動方程的拉格朗日形式,然後轉向通過普朗克、愛因斯坦和波爾的工作發展起來的「舊」量子理論。這一分析引出了本書的核心——對量子力學的解釋,正如薛丁格所表述的,「涉及放棄精確描述系統行為的希望。」物理學創造了一個新的領域,在這裡,經典的牛頓確定性被概率所取代——這一變化隨後被海森堡的不確定性原理(在本書中描述)所強化。
