Operating System Concepts with Java, 7/e(Hardcover)
暫譯: 作業系統概念與 Java,第7版(精裝本)

Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne

  • 出版商: Wiley
  • 出版日期: 2006-12-05
  • 售價: $1,078
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 992
  • 裝訂: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 047176907X
  • ISBN-13: 9780471769071
  • 相關分類: Java 程式語言
  • 已過版



Get inside today's most popular operating systems

How do today's operating systems work? The award-winning team of Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, and Greg Gagne gets you right up to speed on all the key concepts of computer operating systems. Employing the familiar Java programming language, this new edition of their popular guide gives you a thorough theoretical foundation that you can apply to a wide variety of systems as you progress to the next level of your computer work.

Operating System Concepts with Java, Seventh Edition, has been updated to cover the most current topics and applications and designed to help you bridge the gap between concepts and implementations. Integrating the client-server model throughout, the text takes you step-by-step through all the major aspects of programming, including:
* Several new Java example programs including features in Java 5.
* Increased coverage of user perspective in Chapter 1.
* Increased coverage of OS design throughout.
* A new chapter on real-time and embedded systems (Chapter 19).
* A new chapter on multimedia (Chapter 20).
* Additional coverage of security and protection.
* Additional coverage of distributed programming.
* New exercises, programming assignments, and projects at the end of each chapter.
* New student-focused pedagogy and a new two-color design to enhance the learning process.
* Linux, Windows XP, Mac OS X, and other influential operating systems.

Whether you're already adept at Java or new to it, you'll appreciate the Java Primer that's thoughtfully included. The two-color design makes it easier for you to navigate through the chapters, and a plethora of examples, programming exercises, and supplementary online tests and exercises (available through WileyPLUS) help you absorb and reinforce what you've learned. With such complete support, you'll soon be ready to enter the world of operating systems design with confidence.



當今的作業系統是如何運作的?由 Abraham Silberschatz、Peter Galvin 和 Greg Gagne 組成的獲獎團隊將幫助您快速掌握計算機作業系統的所有關鍵概念。這本新版本的熱門指南採用熟悉的 Java 程式語言,為您提供了扎實的理論基礎,讓您能夠應用於各種系統,並在計算機工作中邁向更高的層次。

《Operating System Concepts with Java》第七版已更新以涵蓋最新的主題和應用,並設計幫助您彌補概念與實作之間的差距。全書貫穿客戶端-伺服器模型,逐步引導您了解程式設計的所有主要方面,包括:
* 包含 Java 5 特性的幾個新 Java 範例程式。
* 第一章中增加了用戶視角的內容。
* 整體增加了作業系統設計的內容。
* 新增有關即時和嵌入式系統的章節(第 19 章)。
* 新增有關多媒體的章節(第 20 章)。
* 增加了安全性和保護的內容。
* 增加了分散式程式設計的內容。
* 每章末尾新增練習、程式設計作業和專案。
* 新的以學生為中心的教學法和全新的雙色設計以增強學習過程。
* Linux、Windows XP、Mac OS X 及其他影響深遠的作業系統。

無論您是已經精通 Java 還是剛接觸它,您都會欣賞精心設計的 Java 入門部分。雙色設計使您更容易瀏覽各章節,豐富的範例、程式設計練習以及補充的線上測試和練習(可通過 WileyPLUS 獲得)幫助您吸收和鞏固所學知識。擁有如此全面的支持,您將很快準備好自信地進入作業系統設計的世界。