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This book takes the CMM®/CMMI®-SW (Staged) Level 2 process appraisal methodology and performs a mapping against where this information is found in the IEEE Standards. The assumption is made that the standards are implemented as is, with no tailoring. This provides the reader with information regarding the value added by using the IEEE Standards to implement and define software process. The strengths and weaknesses of these standards are a by-product of this comparison.
The CMM® and CMMI® do not tell the user ‘how’ to satisfy their KPA criteria. The CMM® and CMMI® are descriptive. They do not describe how to accomplish their goals but describe the criteria that the end results should support. IEEE Standards are prescriptive. These standards describe how to fulfill the requirements associated with effective software project management.
For organizations that do not wish to pursue CMM®/CMMI® Level 2 accreditation this document will show how the application of IEEE Standards, and their use as reference material, can facilitate the development of sound software engineering practices.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview.
Chapter 2. Summary of SW-CMM®.
Chapter 3. Summary of CMMI-SW®.
Chapter 4. Differences Between CMM® and CMMI-SW®.
Chapter 5. IEEE Software Engineering Standards.
Chapter 6. Using IEEE Standards to Achieve Software Process Improvement.
Appendix A. IEEE Standards Abstracts.
Appendix B. Level 2 Mappings of CMMI-E/SW/IPPD® V.1.1 to SW-CMM® V.1.1.
Tables and Figures.
本書採用 CMM®/CMMI®-SW (分階段) 第二級流程評估方法,並將其與 IEEE 標準中的相關資訊進行對照。假設這些標準是按原樣實施,沒有進行任何調整。這為讀者提供了有關使用 IEEE 標準來實施和定義軟體流程所帶來的附加價值的資訊。這些標準的優缺點是此比較的副產品。
CMM® 和 CMMI® 並未告訴使用者如何滿足其 KPA 標準。CMM® 和 CMMI® 是描述性的。它們並不描述如何達成其目標,而是描述最終結果應該支持的標準。IEEE 標準則是規範性的。這些標準描述了如何滿足與有效的軟體專案管理相關的要求。
對於不希望追求 CMM®/CMMI® 第二級認證的組織,本文件將顯示如何應用 IEEE 標準及其作為參考資料的使用,可以促進健全的軟體工程實踐的發展。
第 1 章。介紹與概述。
第 2 章。SW-CMM® 摘要。
第 3 章。CMMI-SW® 摘要。
第 4 章。CMM® 與 CMMI-SW® 之間的差異。
第 5 章。IEEE 軟體工程標準。
第 6 章。使用 IEEE 標準來實現軟體流程改進。
附錄 A。IEEE 標準摘要。
附錄 B。CMMI-E/SW/IPPD® V.1.1 與 SW-CMM® V.1.1 的第二級對照。