Objects, Abstraction, Data Structures and Abstraction: Using C++ (Paperback)
暫譯: 物件、抽象、資料結構與抽象:使用 C++ (平裝本)

Elliot B. Koffman, Paul A. T. Wolfgang




  • Combining a strong emphasis on problem solving and software design with the study of data structures, this book provides chapters on sets and maps, balanced binary search trees, and graphs.
  • Although most readers will be familiar with C++, there is an extensive review chapter for those who need a refresher.
  • The authors cover case studies that use the data structure to solve a significant problem while reinforcing the message of "Think, then code"--meaning, perform a thorough analysis of the problem and then carefully design a solution.


Table of Contents:

P. A C++ Primer.

1. Introduction to Software Design.

2. Program Correctness and Efficiency.

3. Inheritance and Class Hierarchies.

4. Sequential Containers.

5. Stacks.

6. Queues and Deques.

7. Recursion.

8. Trees.

9. Sets and Maps.

10. Sorting.

11. Self-Balancing Search Trees.

12. Graphs.

Appendix A: Advanced C++ Topics.

Appendix B: Overview of UML.

Appendix C: The CppUnit Test Framework.




- 本書結合了對問題解決和軟體設計的強調,並研究資料結構,提供有關集合和映射、平衡二元搜尋樹以及圖形的章節。
- 雖然大多數讀者對 C++ 會有一定的了解,但本書提供了廣泛的回顧章節,供需要複習的讀者使用。
- 作者涵蓋了使用資料結構解決重大問題的案例研究,同時強調「先思考,再編碼」的理念——這意味著要對問題進行徹底分析,然後仔細設計解決方案。


P. A C++ Primer.
1. 軟體設計導論。
2. 程式正確性與效率。
3. 繼承與類別層級。
4. 順序容器。
5. 堆疊。
6. 隊列與雙端隊列。
7. 遞迴。
8. 樹。
9. 集合與映射。
10. 排序。
11. 自平衡搜尋樹。
12. 圖形。
附錄 A:進階 C++ 主題。
附錄 B:UML 概述。
附錄 C:CppUnit 測試框架。