The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 2: A Library of Data Models for Specific Industries (Paperback)

Len Silverston

  • 出版商: Wiley
  • 出版日期: 2001-03-21
  • 售價: $1,372
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 576
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0471353485
  • ISBN-13: 9780471353485
  • 相關分類: 資料庫Data Science
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約5~7天)




"These books are a must for any company implementing data models. They contain practical insights and templates of universal data models which can be used by all enterprises, regardless of their level of experience."–Ron Powell, Publisher, DM Review

If you’ve relied on The Data Model Resource Book, Revised Edition, Volume 1 (0-471-38023-7) to jump-start your system development efforts, then you know that using a library of proven data models and data warehouse designs can produce huge savings in development costs. But what about the unique needs of your industry?

The Data Model Resource Book, Revised Edition, Volume 2, provides data models specifically tailored to your industry. It includes both brand-new models for each industry and generic models that the author customizes. The result is a comprehensive library of the industry’s core data models and applications, including models for:

  • Financial services
  • Professional services
  • E-commerce
  • Manufacturing
  • Health care
  • Insurance
  • Travel
  • Telecommunications

You not only get the data models themselves, you also learn to:

  • Apply reusable data designs across a broad variety of industries
  • Integrate databases and data warehouses across your organization
  • Combine models from different applications for your specific needs
  • Use the data structures to provide quality assurance for your own models
  • Employ the book’s star schema designs to develop data analysis solutions

You can save even more time and money with the Data Model Resource Book, Revised Edition, Volume 2, CD-ROM, which:

  • Provides the SQL code you’ll need to implement the models described in the book or to reverse-engineer them into your CASE tool
  • Allows you to view for free the demonstration of data models from both Volume 1 and Volume 2
  • Allows you to purchase online the downloadable models by industry type–directions inside


「這些書對於任何實施資料模型的公司來說都是必備的。它們包含了實用的見解和通用資料模型的範本,可供所有企業使用,無論他們的經驗水平如何。」- Ron Powell, DM Review 出版商

如果您曾經依賴《資料模型資源手冊》修訂版第一卷 (0-471-38023-7) 來啟動系統開發工作,那麼您就知道使用一個經過驗證的資料模型和資料倉儲設計庫可以大大節省開發成本。但是您的行業有獨特的需求呢?

- 金融服務
- 專業服務
- 電子商務
- 製造業
- 醫療保健
- 保險
- 旅遊
- 電信

- 在各種行業中應用可重複使用的資料設計
- 整合組織內的數據庫和資料倉儲
- 結合不同應用的模型以滿足您的特定需求
- 使用這些資料結構為您自己的模型提供質量保證
- 使用本書的星型模式設計來開發數據分析解決方案

您還可以通過《資料模型資源手冊》修訂版第二卷的 CD-ROM 進一步節省時間和金錢,該 CD-ROM 包括:
- 提供您在書中所描述的模型實施所需的 SQL 代碼,或將其反向工程到您的 CASE 工具中
- 免費查看第一卷和第二卷的資料模型演示
- 在線購買可下載的按行業類型分類的模型-詳見內頁指示