$1,200$1,176 -
$1,029Computer Networks, 3/e (精裝)
$1,100$1,078 -
$2,500$2,375 -
$1,090$1,068 -
$970$922 -
$2,640$2,508 -
$855C How to program, 3/e
$1,068Software Engineering, 6/e
$1,260$1,197 -
$1,860$1,767 -
$1,000$980 -
$1,730$1,644 -
$1,045Java How to Program, 4/e
$960$912 -
$1,160$1,137 -
$2,030$1,929 -
$1,690$1,606 -
$825Cisco CCNA Exam #640-607 Certification Guide, 3/e
$2,300$2,185 -
$1,029Using Mathematics in Economic Analysis
$820$199 -
$960$912 -
$2,030$1,929 -
$615BEA WebLogic Workshop Kick Start
Ruby is an interpreted language, capable of saving programmers considerable
time during program development since no compilation and linking are necessary.
It is ideal for writing text-processing applications, server-side scripts,
application prototypes, mathematics, and for many everyday programming
* Reviews Ruby's clever syntax and demonstrates why that makes it a
perfect choice for beginning programmers, and also shows how its multipurpose
capabilities make it a sound choice for experienced developers
* Explores
Ruby's uses for prototyping, text processing, and other tasks
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. An Introduction to Ruby.
Chapter 2. Ruby - A Pure Object-Oriented Language.
Chapter 3. Programming Basics.
Chapter 4. Control Structures, Blocks, and Expressions.
Chapter 5. Methods and Modules.
Chapter 6. Input and Output.
Chapter 7. Exceptions.
Chapter 8. Multithreading.
Chapter 9. CGI Programming.
Chapter 10. GUI Programming with Tk.
Chapter 11. Running Ruby on Windows.
Chapter 12. Networking.
Appendix A. Ruby Extensions.
Appendix B. Safety Issues.
Ruby 是一種解釋型語言,能夠在程式開發過程中為程式設計師節省大量時間,因為不需要編譯和連結。它非常適合用於編寫文本處理應用程式、伺服器端腳本、應用程式原型、數學計算以及許多日常編程任務。
* 評論 Ruby 的巧妙語法,並展示為何這使其成為初學者的完美選擇,同時也顯示其多用途能力使其成為經驗豐富的開發者的可靠選擇
* 探索 Ruby 在原型設計、文本處理及其他任務中的應用
第 1 章:Ruby 簡介。
第 2 章:Ruby - 一種純物件導向語言。
第 3 章:程式設計基礎。
第 4 章:控制結構、區塊和表達式。
第 5 章:方法和模組。
第 6 章:輸入和輸出。
第 7 章:例外處理。
第 8 章:多執行緒。
第 9 章:CGI 程式設計。
第 10 章:使用 Tk 進行 GUI 程式設計。
第 11 章:在 Windows 上運行 Ruby。
第 12 章:網路編程。
附錄 A:Ruby 擴展。
附錄 B:安全性問題。