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HTML5 is packed with great new features, including new content-specific elements, audio and video playback, canvas for drawing, and many others. But where to begin? With Smashing HTML5, you have everything you need to get up and running quickly.
Bill Sanders is a professional Web developer, information and interface designer, and instructor. His expertise and knowledge shared throughout Smashing HTML5 will help fast-track you toward building next-generation Web sites.
Smashing HTML5 provides comprehensive coverage - from how to get started with HTML5 to optimizing media on the Web. You will learn how to use text, graphics, audio, video, and navigation in HTML5 Web pages running in compatible browsers.
You will also learn how to:
- Work with HTML5 tags
- Design page structure
- Make site navigation easy for your audience
- Integrate media including video into HTML5 pages
- Harness the power of the HTML5 canvas
- Use HTML 5 forms
- Create interactivity, store information, and much more
Smashing HTML5 is an essential read for Web designers and developers looking to transition to HTML5. With this book, you'll be able to create Web pages that not only look great, but also take advantage of the new features HTML5 has to offer.
歡迎來到 HTML5 - 網頁的未來
HTML5 充滿了許多令人驚艷的新功能,包括新的內容專用元素、音頻和視頻播放、繪圖的畫布等等。但是該從何處開始呢?有了《Smashing HTML5》,您將擁有一切所需,快速上手。
Bill Sanders 是一位專業的網頁開發人員、資訊和介面設計師以及教師。他在《Smashing HTML5》中分享的專業知識和經驗將幫助您快速建立下一代網站。
《Smashing HTML5》提供全面的內容,從如何開始使用 HTML5 到優化網頁上的媒體。您將學習如何在相容的瀏覽器中使用文字、圖形、音頻、視頻和導航來創建 HTML5 網頁。
- 使用 HTML5 標籤
- 設計網頁結構
- 讓網站導航對您的觀眾更加簡單
- 將視頻等媒體整合到 HTML5 網頁中
- 充分利用 HTML5 畫布的功能
- 使用 HTML5 表單
- 創建互動性、儲存資訊等等
《Smashing HTML5》是網頁設計師和開發人員轉向 HTML5 的必讀之書。有了這本書,您將能夠創建不僅外觀出色,而且還能充分利用 HTML5 新功能的網頁。