Beginning iPad Application Development (Paperback) (iPad 應用程式開發入門)
Wei-Meng Lee
- 出版商: Wrox Press
- 出版日期: 2010-05-10
- 定價: $1,090
- 售價: 2.7 折 $299
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 600
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 0470641657
- ISBN-13: 9780470641651
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Beginning iPad Application Development is written to help jumpstart beginning iPad developers. It covers the various topics in such a manner that you will progressively learn without being overwhelmed by the details. It adopts the philosophy that the best way to learn is by doing, hence the numerous Try It Out sections in all the chapters, which first show you how to build something and then explain how things work.
Although iPad programming is a huge topic, the aim for this book is to get you started with the fundamentals, and help you understand the underlying architecture of the SDK, and appreciate why things are done certain ways. After reading this book (and doing the exercises), you will be well equipped to tackle your next iPad programming challenge.
This book is for the beginning iPad developer who wants to start developing iPad applications using the Apple iPhone SDK. To truly benefit from this book, you should have some background in programming and at least be familiar with object-oriented programming concepts. If you are totally new to the Objective-C language, you might want to jump straight to Appendix D, which provides an overview of the language. Alternatively, you can use Appendix D as a quick reference while you tackle the various chapters, checking out the syntax as you try the exercises. Depending on your learning pattern, one of those approaches may work best for you.
What This Book Covers
This book covers the fundamentals of iPad programming using the iPhone SDK. It is divided into 18 chapters and four appendices.
Chapter 1: Getting Started with iPad Programming covers the various tools found in the iPhone SDK and explains their uses in iPad development.
Chapter 2: Write Your First Hello World! Application gets you started with Xcode and Interface Builder to build a Hello World application. The focus is on getting your hands dirty. More details on the various parts and components are covered in subsequent chapters.
Chapter 3: Views, Outlets, and Actions covers the fundamental concepts of iPad programming: outlets and actions. You learn how outlets and actions allow your code to interact with the visual elements in Interface Builder and why they are an integral part of every iPad application. You will also learn about the various UI widgets known as views that make up the user interface of your iPad application.
Chapter 4: View Controllers discusses the various view controllers available in the iPhone SDK. You will learn how to develop different types of iPad applications - View-based, Window-based, Split View-based, as well as Tab Bar applications.
Chapter 5: Keyboard Inputs shows you how to deal with the virtual keyboard in your iPad. You see how to hide the keyboard on demand and how to ensure that your views are not blocked by the keyboard when it is displayed.
Chapter 6: Screen Rotations demonstrates how you can reorient your application's UI when the device is rotated. You learn about the various events that are fired when the device is rotated. You also learn how to force your application to display in a certain orientation.
Chapter 7: Using the Table View explores one of the most powerful views in the iPhone SDK - the Table view. The Table view is commonly used to display rows of data. In this chapter, you also learn how to implement search capabilities in your Table view.
Chapter 8: Application Preferences discusses the use of application settings to persist application preferences. Using application settings, you can access preferences related to your application through the Settings application available on the iPad.
Chapter 9: File Handling shows how you can persist your application data by saving the data to files in your application's sandbox directory. You also learn how to access the various folders available in your application sandbox.
Chapter 10: Database Storage Using SQLLite3 covers the use of the embedded SQLite3 database library to store your data.
Chapter 11: Simple Animations provides an overview of the various techniques you can use to implement simple animations on the iPad. You also learn about the various affine transformations supported by the iPhone SDK.
Chapter 12: Gesture Recognizers provides an overview of the various gesture recognizers available in the iPhone SDK to help your device interpret user's input gestures.
Chapter 13: Accessing the Accelerometer shows how you can access the accelerometer that comes with every iPad. You will also learn how to detect shakes to your device.
Chapter 14: Web Services teaches you how to consume Web services from within your iPad application. You will learn the various ways to communicate with Web services - SOAP, HTTP GET, and HTTP POST. You will also learn how to parse the returning XML result returned by the Web service.
Chapter 15: Bluetooth Programming explores the use of the Game Kit framework for Bluetooth programming. You will learn how to get two iPads to communicate using a Bluetooth connection. You will also learn how to implement voice chatting over a Bluetooth connection.
Chapter 16: Bonjour Programming shows how you can publish services on the network using the Bonjour protocol.
Chapter 17: Apple Push Notification Services explains how you can implement applications that use push notifications. The APNs allows your applications to constantly receive status updates from a service provider even though the application may not be running.
Chapter 18: Displaying Maps shows how to build location-based services application using the Map Kit framework. You will also learn how to obtain geographical locations data and use them to display a map.
Appendix A: Answers to Exercises contains the solutions to the end-of-chapter exercises found in every chapter except Chapter 1.
Appendix B: Getting Around in Xcode provides a quick run-through of the many features in Xcode.
Appendix C: Getting Around in Interface Builder provides an overview of the many features of Interface Builder.
Appendix D: Crash Course in Objective-C provides a crash course in Objective-C. Readers who are new to this language should read this chapter before getting started.
《Beginning iPad Application Development》旨在幫助初學者快速入門iPad開發。本書以逐步學習的方式涵蓋各種主題,讓讀者不會被細節所淹沒。本書採用實踐為學習方式的理念,每章都有許多「試試看」的部分,首先展示如何構建某個功能,然後解釋其運作原理。
本書適合想要使用蘋果iPhone SDK開發iPad應用程式的初學者。為了真正受益於本書,讀者應該具備一些編程背景,並至少熟悉面向對象編程的概念。如果對Objective-C語言完全陌生,可以直接跳到附錄D,該附錄提供了語言概述。或者,可以將附錄D作為快速參考,當閱讀各章節並嘗試練習時,查看語法。根據個人的學習方式,其中一種方法可能適合你。
本書涵蓋使用iPhone SDK進行iPad編程的基礎知識。共分為18章和四個附錄。
第1章《開始iPad編程》介紹了iPhone SDK中的各種工具,並解釋了它們在iPad開發中的用途。
第2章《撰寫第一個Hello World!應用程式》讓你使用Xcode和Interface Builder構建一個Hello World應用程式。重點是讓你動手實踐。更多關於各部分和組件的詳細信息將在後續章節中介紹。
第3章《視圖、插座和動作》介紹了iPad編程的基本概念:插座和動作。你將學習插座和動作如何讓你的代碼與Interface Builder中的視覺元素交互,以及為什麼它們是每個iPad應用程式的重要組成部分。你還將了解組成iPad應用程式用戶界面的各種UI小部件,也稱為視圖。
第4章《視圖控制器》討論了iPhone SDK中可用的各種視圖控制器。你將學習如何開發不同類型的iPad應用程式-基於視圖、基於窗口、分割視圖和選項卡應用程式。
第7章《使用表格視圖》探索了iPhone SDK中最強大的視圖之一-表格視圖。表格視圖通常用於顯示數據行。在本章中,你還將學習如何在表格視圖中實現搜索功能。