Follow Adobe Certified Photoshop Expert Mark Fitzgerald as he guides you through the restoration and retouching workflows. Begin by learning about basic concepts, such as proper tonal and color adjustment, selections, and masking. Then learn to master Photoshop’s retouching tools, like the Healing Brush, Patch Tool, and Clone Stamp. After you build a solid foundation, you’ll see how these tools and techniques come together to solve a wide range of restoration and retouching problems; from repairing a damaged print to removing braces and repairing glass glares.
Explore the tools and techniques with step-by-step expert instructions for downloadable practice files. Experience the total workflow as you complete three projects along side Mark from start to finish: a restoration project, a portrait retouching project, and an architectural retouching project.
This book is an update to Mark Fitzgerald’s popular book, Adobe Photoshop CS3 Restoration and Retouching Bible.
《Adobe Photoshop CS5 數位攝影師專用的修復與修飾》是一本完整的修復與修飾指南。無論你是 Photoshop 的新手,還是已經使用多年,你都將學到許多新技巧,幫助你將珍貴的家庭照片恢復美感,並將新照片轉變為可裝框的藝術作品。
跟隨 Adobe 認證 Photoshop 專家 Mark Fitzgerald 的指導,了解修復與修飾的工作流程。首先學習基本概念,例如正確的色調和顏色調整、選取和遮罩。接著掌握 Photoshop 的修飾工具,如修復畫筆 (Healing Brush)、修補工具 (Patch Tool) 和克隆印章 (Clone Stamp)。在建立堅實的基礎後,你將看到這些工具和技術如何結合,解決各種修復與修飾問題;從修復受損的印刷品到去除牙套和修復玻璃反光。
探索這些工具和技術,並透過逐步的專家指導來下載練習檔案。隨著 Mark 一起從頭到尾完成三個專案,體驗完整的工作流程:一個修復專案、一個人像修飾專案,以及一個建築修飾專案。
本書是 Mark Fitzgerald 受歡迎的書籍《Adobe Photoshop CS3 修復與修飾聖經》的更新版。