Lightroom 3: Streamlining Your Digital Photography Process (Paperback)
暫譯: Lightroom 3:精簡您的數位攝影流程 (平裝本)

Nat Coalson

  • 出版商: Wiley
  • 出版日期: 2010-07-06
  • 定價: $1,200
  • 售價: 2.5$299
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 400
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 047060705X
  • ISBN-13: 9780470607053
  • 相關分類: Lightroom設計攝影 Photograph
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)



"I’ve worked my entire adult life in digital imaging, from managing high-volume production departments to running my own photography and printing businesses. And for many years, I’ve been teaching photographers how to be self-sufficient when it comes to working with their digital images.

Having used all major image editing software released over the past twenty years, I now choose to use Lightroom because it allows me to work quickly, helps me deal with large numbers of images and lets me get back to enjoying the creative aspects of photography.

From my experience, I know how hard it can be to learn new ways of doing things–especially computer stuff. Unfortunately for a lot of photographers, struggling with digital processing can take the fun out of photography. Trying to figure out the intricacies of file formats, resolution, color management, etc., and even simply where to put all the files can be daunting tasks. Worse yet, sometimes it’s hard just to know the right steps to get the best quality from a single photo!

It’s my mission to ease your pain; to show you that you really can be in control of your entire imaging process, and help you develop a personalized workflow that fits your style and needs. My students frequently tell me how liberating this is: to comfortably handle all the files coming off the camera and residing on hard disks, to work methodically through a known sequence of steps and to produce finished pictures that you’re proud to show other people. This is at the heart of the photographer’s experience, and I want you to know this sense of confidence and capability.

I’ve taught large groups and individual photographers alike. Over the years I’ve learned where people get stuck. I understand the pitfalls new users face when first starting to use Lightroom as well as the concerns of more experienced users looking for ways to tweak their workflow for better performance. I want to help you overcome these challenges.

My goal for this book is to teach you to effectively use Lightroom 3 as quickly and easily as possible. My writing has been heavily influenced by my experiences working with clients and students, and I’ve approached the content of this book as I would tutor someone in a one-on-one training session. The order in which concepts are presented and the emphasis I give to certain aspects of the workflow are unique among books of its kind.

We’ll start by reviewing some important, basic principles, such as working with Lightroom catalogs, the Lightroom workflow, color management, and an introduction to Lightroom 3’s updated tools and screen interface. From there, we jump right in to importing images into Lightroom. This is followed by a step-by-step editing tutorial that will make your work much easier. Then we move on to in-depth explanations of how to perfect each photo for tone, color, contrast, sharpness and much more. After a detailed look at exporting images out of Lightroom, the next three chapters deal with presenting your work to others with prints, Web sites and slideshows. Finally, we’ll wrap up with an in-depth look at advanced techniques for integrating Lightroom with other software.

The material presented in this book is appropriate for digital photographers working in all disciplines, at all skill levels. The information and tutorials are applicable to every kind of photography: from weddings and portraits to fine art landscape work, everyone can learn to streamline their digital photography process using Lightroom 3."

Nat Coalson
Conifer, CO

Ten Lightroom 3 Tips for from Author Nat Coalson

Whether you’re new to Lightroom or have been using it for a while, my new book, Lightroom 3: Streamlining your Digital Photography Process can help you master the tools, techniques and workflows to get the most from your photography with the least amount of effort. Below are some of my top tips for a solid foundation in Lightroom, all of which are covered in more detail in the book:

    Top 5 tips if you’re new to Lightroom

  • Lightroom uses a database, called a catalog, to manage your image files. When you import photos into Lightroom, the image files are not stored in the catalog. Lightroom simply references theoriginal files on your hard drive and creates links to them within the catalog. (However, all the work you do to photos is stored within the catalog.)

  • If you need to move, rename or delete photos after importing them into Lightroom, do it from within Lightroom (not using the Mac Finder or Windows Explorer). This ensures that the links in the Lightroom catalog will remain up-to-date with the actual files on the hard drive.

  • Break down your workflow into distinct tasks: import, edit, Develop, export, etc. Following a consistent sequence of steps will make your work go much quicker.

  • Lightroom provides loads of time-saving features to automate and speed up your workflow. Most important are presets and templates. Generally speaking, presets store settings and templates store formatted layouts. Get in the habit of setting up your own presets and templates for any settings that you will use frequently.

  • Be sure to make frequent backups of your Lightroom catalog and image files; ideally, after every work session. (You will most likely only need to keep the most recent couple of catalog backups.)

    Top 5 tips if you’ve been using Lightroom for a while

  • The Import process has been entirely revamped and streamlined in Lightroom 3. The new Import window provides more functionality and is easier to navigate. Maybe most importantly, you can now save Import presets! If you perform many imports using the same settings, this will dramatically speed up your import workflow.

  • The processing in Lightroom 3 is built around a new Process Version, which offers notably better image quality and speed when working with your photos. New photos imported into Lightroom 3 will automatically use the new Process Version (2010). Photos already in the catalog will retain their original Process Version (2003). You can update older photos to use the new Process Version, which will allow you to extract even better quality from those photos. After updating photos to the new Process Version you will likely need to go back and fine tune the Develop settings for those files (especially sharpening).

  • Lightroom 3 offers new and improved sharpening algorithms with a greater degree of control. One important point to note is that the Amount adjustment generally applies stronger sharpening than in previous versions, so now, you probably will use lower values for Amount.

  • Lightroom 3’s updated Noise Reduction (NR) controls are also vastly improved over previous versions; so much that you may no longer need any specialized NR software for the majority of your photos. Luminance noise reduction, in particular, lets you apply much stronger reduction amounts without adversely affecting important image detail.

  • If you’ve saved Develop presets using adjustments for sharpening, noise reduction and vignetting you should revisit those settings and consider making a new preset based on the changes in the new Process Version.

Before & After Examples

Example 1. This example shows how you can
dramatically improve a photo using just a few
controls in the Basic panel. I adjusted White
Balance, Exposure, Blacks and Brightness.

Hasselblad H4D-40
Hasselblad 35-90 f/4-5.6
1/45 sec at f/11, ISO 100
Example 2. For this photo, I used Lightroom’s adjustment
brush tool to selectively dodge and burn (lighten and darken)
specific areas of the photo.Canon EOS 5D
Canon EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM
0.8 second at f/22, ISO 100

Example 3. In this example, I used Lightroom
3’s new Lens Corrections panel controls to
fix distortion and chromatic aberration.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Canon EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM
5 seconds at f/20, ISO 200



在過去二十年中,我使用過所有主要的影像編輯軟體,現在我選擇使用 Lightroom,因為它讓我能夠快速工作,幫助我處理大量影像,並讓我重新享受攝影的創意面向。



我曾教過大團體和個別攝影師。多年來,我學會了人們在哪裡會卡住。我了解新用戶在首次使用 Lightroom 時面臨的陷阱,以及更有經驗的用戶在尋找調整工作流程以提高性能時的擔憂。我想幫助你克服這些挑戰。

我這本書的目標是教你如何快速且輕鬆地有效使用 Lightroom 3。我的寫作受到與客戶和學生合作的經驗的深刻影響,我將這本書的內容視為一對一輔導的方式來進行。概念的呈現順序以及我對工作流程某些方面的強調在同類書籍中是獨特的。

我們將從回顧一些重要的基本原則開始,例如使用 Lightroom 目錄、Lightroom 工作流程、色彩管理,以及對 Lightroom 3 更新工具和螢幕介面的介紹。接著,我們將直接進入將影像匯入 Lightroom 的過程。隨後是一個逐步的編輯教學,將使你的工作變得更加輕鬆。然後,我們將深入解釋如何完善每張照片的色調、顏色、對比度、銳利度等。經過對從 Lightroom 匯出影像的詳細檢視後,接下來的三章將處理如何將你的作品以印刷品、網站和幻燈片的形式展示給他人。最後,我們將深入探討將 Lightroom 與其他軟體整合的進階技術。

本書所呈現的材料適合所有領域的數位攝影師,無論技能水平如何。這些資訊和教學適用於各種攝影類型:從婚禮和人像到精緻的風景作品,每個人都可以學會使用 Lightroom 3 簡化他們的數位攝影流程。

Nat Coalson
Conifer, CO

十個來自作者 Nat Coalson 的 Lightroom 3 提示

無論你是新手還是已經使用 Lightroom 一段時間,我的新書《Lightroom 3: Streamlining your Digital Photography Process》都能幫助你掌握工具、技術和工作流程,以最少的努力獲得最佳的攝影效果。以下是我為 Lightroom 打下堅實基礎的一些最佳提示,書中會有更詳細的說明:

如果你是 Lightroom 新手的五個最佳提示:

1. Lightroom 使用一個稱為目錄(catalog)的資料庫來管理你的影像檔案。當你將照片匯入 Lightroom 時,影像檔案並不會儲存在目錄中。Lightroom 只是參考硬碟上的原始檔案,並在目錄中創建對它們的鏈接。(不過,你對照片所做的所有工作都會儲存在目錄中。)

2. 如果你需要在將照片匯入 Lightroom 後移動、重新命名或刪除照片,請在 Lightroom 中進行(而不是使用 Mac Finder 或 Windows Explorer)。這樣可以確保 Lightroom 目錄中的鏈接會與硬碟上的實際檔案保持最新。

3. 將你的工作流程分解為明確的任務:匯入、編輯、開發、匯出等。遵循一致的步驟順序將使你的工作變得更快。

4. Lightroom 提供了大量節省時間的功能來自動化和加速你的工作流程。最重要的是預設和模板。一般來說,預設儲存設置,模板儲存格式化的佈局。養成為你經常使用的任何設置建立自己的預設和模板的習慣。

5. 確保經常備份你的 Lightroom 目錄和影像檔案;理想情況下,在每次工作會話後進行備份。(你可能只需要保留最近的幾個目錄備份。)

如果你已經使用 Lightroom 一段時間的五個最佳提示:

1. 在 Lightroom 3 中,匯入過程已經完全重新設計和簡化。新的匯入窗口提供了更多功能,並且更易於導航。也許最重要的是,你現在可以保存匯入預設!如果你使用相同的設置進行多次匯入,這將大大加快你的匯入工作流程。

2. Lightroom 3 的處理是基於新的處理版本(Process Version),在處理照片時提供了顯著更好的影像質量和速度。新匯入到 Lightroom 3 的照片將自動使用新的處理版本(2010)。已在目錄中的照片將保留其原始處理版本(2003)。你可以將舊照片更新為使用新的處理版本,這將使你能夠從這些照片中提取出更好的質量。在將照片更新為新的處理版本後,你可能需要回去微調這些檔案的開發設置(特別是銳化)。

3. Lightroom 3 提供了新的和改進的銳化算法,具有更高的控制度。需要注意的一個重要點是,數量調整通常會比以前的版本應用更強的銳化,因此現在你可能會使用較低的數量值。

4. Lightroom 3 更新的降噪(Noise Reduction, NR)控制也比以前的版本大幅改進;以至於你可能不再需要任何專門的 NR 軟體來處理大多數照片。特別是亮度降噪,讓你能夠在不影響重要影像細節的情況下應用更強的降噪量。

5. 如果你已經使用銳化、降噪和暗角調整的開發預設,你應該重新檢視這些設置,並考慮根據新的處理版本的變化製作新的預設。
