Cloud Computing For Dummies (Paperback)
暫譯: 雲端運算入門 (平裝本)

Judith S. Hurwitz, Robin Bloor, Marcia Kaufman, Fern Halper



The easy way to understand and implement cloud computing technology written by a team of experts

Cloud computing can be difficult to understand at first, but the cost-saving possibilities are great and many companies are getting on board. If you've been put in charge of implementing cloud computing, this straightforward, plain-English guide clears up the confusion and helps you get your plan in place.

You'll learn how cloud computing enables you to run a more green IT infrastructure, and access technology-enabled services from the Internet ("in the cloud") without having to understand, manage, or invest in the technology infrastructure that supports them. You'll also find out what you need to consider when implementing a plan, how to handle security issues, and more.

  • Cloud computing is a way for businesses to take advantage of storage and virtual services through the Internet, saving money on infrastructure and support
  • This book provides a clear definition of cloud computing from the utility computing standpoint and also addresses security concerns
  • Offers practical guidance on delivering and managing cloud computing services effectively and efficiently
  • Presents a proactive and pragmatic approach to implementing cloud computing in any organization
  • Helps IT managers and staff understand the benefits and challenges of cloud computing, how to select a service, and what's involved in getting it up and running
  • Highly experienced author team consults and gives presentations on emerging technologies

Cloud Computing For Dummies gets straight to the point, providing the practical information you need to know.




您將學習到雲端運算如何使您能夠運行更環保的 IT 基礎設施,並從互聯網(「雲端」)訪問技術驅動的服務,而無需理解、管理或投資於支撐這些服務的技術基礎設施。您還將了解在實施計畫時需要考慮的事項、如何處理安全問題等。

  • 雲端運算是一種企業透過互聯網利用儲存和虛擬服務的方式,從而節省基礎設施和支援的成本

  • 本書從公用計算的角度提供了雲端運算的明確定義,並針對安全問題進行探討

  • 提供有效且高效地交付和管理雲端運算服務的實用指導

  • 提出在任何組織中實施雲端運算的主動和務實的方法

  • 幫助 IT 管理人員和員工理解雲端運算的好處與挑戰、如何選擇服務,以及啟動和運行所需的內容

  • 經驗豐富的作者團隊提供新興技術的諮詢和演講

雲端運算入門 直截了當,提供您需要了解的實用資訊。