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This is one of the first, if not the first comprehensive guide to the CentOS Linux operating system. Linux guru Tim Bornocyzyk, thoroughly covers the topic whether you're a Linux novice or a regular who now wants to master this increasingly popular distribution.
First find out how to install and configure CentOS. From there, you'll cover a wealth of Linux and CentOS tools, functions, and techniques, including: how to work in the GNOME and KDE desktop environments; how to use the Linux shell, file system, and text editor; how to configure CUPS printers, Samba for file and printer sharing and other features using GUI tools; and more.
- CentOS (Community ENTerprise Operating System) is a Linux operating system maintained by a small team of core developers based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
- Lead author Christopher Negus is the bestselling Linux author of such books as Fedora 10 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible and Linux 2009 Edition Bible; he is also a member of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux training team
- Tech edited by key member of the CentOS development team, Ralph Angenendt, and foreword written by lead CentOS developer, Karanbir Singh.
- Learn how to set up users, automate system tasks, back up and restore files, and prepare for the latest security issues and threats; also learn how to use and customize the desktop menus, icons, window manager, and xterm; and how to create and publish formatted documents
- Explores available Linux multimedia applications for graphics, audio, video and CD burning
- The DVD includes complete copy of the most current CentOS Distribution – CentOS 5.3
For getting the most out of CentOS Linux, this is the book you need to succeed.
Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
快速成長的 Linux 發行版權威指南
這是第一本,或許是 唯一 的 CentOS Linux 作業系統的全面指南。Linux 大師 Tim Bornocyzyk 徹底涵蓋了這個主題,無論你是 Linux 新手還是想要精通這個日益受歡迎的發行版的老手。
首先了解如何安裝和配置 CentOS。接下來,你將涵蓋大量的 Linux 和 CentOS 工具、功能和技術,包括:如何在 GNOME 和 KDE 桌面環境中工作;如何使用 Linux shell、檔案系統和文字編輯器;如何使用 GUI 工具配置 CUPS 印表機、Samba 進行檔案和印表機共享及其他功能;等等。
- CentOS(Community ENTerprise Operating System)是一個由一小組核心開發者維護的 Linux 作業系統,基於 Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL)
- 主作者 Christopher Negus 是暢銷書《Fedora 10 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible》和《Linux 2009 Edition Bible》的 Linux 作者;他也是 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 培訓團隊的成員
- 技術編輯由 CentOS 開發團隊的關鍵成員 Ralph Angenendt 負責,前言由主 CentOS 開發者 Karanbir Singh 撰寫。
- 學習如何設置用戶、自動化系統任務、備份和恢復檔案,並為最新的安全問題和威脅做好準備;還學習如何使用和自定義桌面菜單、圖示、視窗管理器和 xterm;以及如何創建和發佈格式化文件
- 探索可用的 Linux 多媒體應用程式,包括圖形、音頻、視頻和燒錄 CD
- DVD 包含最新的 CentOS 發行版完整副本 – CentOS 5.3
要充分利用 CentOS Linux,這是你成功所需的書籍。
注意: CD-ROM/DVD 和其他補充材料不包含在電子書檔案中。