$840Practical Network Cabling (Paperback)
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$300Network+ Certification Practice Questions Exam Cram 2 (Exam N10-002) (Paperback)
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$357思科網絡技術學院教程, 6/e (IT基礎)(IT Essentials Companion Guide V6, 6/e)
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$250CCNA 學習指南 : Cisco 網絡設備互連 (ICND2), 4/e
$306思科網絡技術學院教程: 網絡簡介, 6/e
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$255思科網絡技術學院教程 CCNA Discovery:家庭和小型企業網
Serving as a concise, focused study aid to help you prepare for the leading non-vendor-specific networking certification exam, this book features more review questions and study review features than any other guide, with over 120 review questions, two bonus exams, and electronic Flashcard, as well as a searchable Glossary of Terms database on CD-ROM. Fully updated for the first revision of the CompTIA Network+ exam since 2005, the book is organized by exam objectives and broken into six parts corresponding to the six domain areas of the Network+ exam: technologies, media and topologies, devices, management, tools, and security.
Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
本書是一本簡潔而專注的學習輔助書,旨在幫助您準備領先的非供應商特定的網絡認證考試。該書比其他任何指南都提供更多的評估問題和學習回顧功能,包括超過120個評估問題、兩個額外的考試和電子閃卡,以及可搜索的CD-ROM詞彙表。該書已完全更新,以適應自2005年以來的第一次CompTIA Network+考試修訂,按照考試目標組織並分為六個部分,對應於Network+考試的六個領域:技術、媒體和拓撲、設備、管理、工具和安全。請注意:本電子書不包含CD-ROM / DVD和其他附加材料。