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But, don’t be fooled by the book’s size. Within it are over 300 full-color pages walks you through the workflow, editing, and organizing tasks found in this after-capture software programs— Photoshop CS4. Additionally, numerous practice files are available online, so you can download them from wherever you happen to be.
Topics include:
- Getting organized in Adobe Bridge
- Working with raw files
- Understanding Photoshop CS4’s updated, more intuitive user interface
- Using different techniques for tonal and color adjustments
- Creating black & whites, and sepia tones
- Working with selection and retouching tools
- Using the new Masking and Adjustments panels to add creative effects
- Demystifying resolution and sizing
- Creating elegant panoramas from multiple photos
- Printing at home or at the lab
- Building slideshows and uploading Web galleries easily using the new Adobe Output Module
This easy-to-read book breaks this powerful program down into bite-sized pieces so you can quickly develop a consistent workflow that gives you quality results with every photo. It’s exactly what every photographer needs After the Shoot.
如果你是一位隨時隨地的攝影師,並希望能在拍攝的任何地方編輯你的照片,那麼這本書就是為你而寫的。無論你是在拍攝現場、咖啡廳、度假還是出差,你都能在這本 6' x 9' 的指南中找到所需的一切,這本書可以輕鬆放入你的相機包或筆記型電腦包中。
但不要被這本書的大小所迷惑。書中包含超過 300 頁的全彩內容,將引導你了解在這款後期處理軟體——Photoshop CS4 中的工作流程、編輯和組織任務。此外,還有許多練習檔案可在線獲取,讓你可以隨時隨地下載。
- 在 Adobe Bridge 中進行組織
- 處理原始檔案
- 理解 Photoshop CS4 更新後更直觀的使用者介面
- 使用不同技術進行色調和顏色調整
- 創建黑白和棕褐色調
- 使用選擇和修飾工具
- 使用新的遮罩和調整面板添加創意效果
- 解密解析度和尺寸
- 從多張照片創建優雅的全景圖
- 在家或實驗室打印
- 使用新的 Adobe Output Module 輕鬆建立幻燈片和上傳網頁畫廊