$825Cisco CCNA Exam #640-607 Certification Guide, 3/e
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Take your first step to CCNA certification
From bestselling author Todd Lammle comes the most up-to-date book on CCNA exam 640-821, the first exam in Cisco's popular two-exam Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification track. Understand networking for the small or home office market, prepare for the exam, and acquire the skills you need with this comprehensive guide. Inside you'll find:
Complete coverage of all exam objectives in a systematic approach, so you can be confident you're getting the instruction you need
Practical hands-on exercises to reinforce critical skills
Real-world scenarios that show you life beyond the classroom and put what you've learned in the context of actual job roles
Challenging review questions in each chapter to prepare you for exam day
Exam Essentials, a key feature at the end of each chapter that identifies critical areas you must become proficient in before taking exam 640-821
A handy tear card that maps every official exam objective to the corresponding chapter in the book, so you can track your exam prep objective by objective
Look inside for complete coverage of all exam objectives.
Featured on the CD
Test your knowledge with advanced testing software. Includes all chapter review questions and bonus exams.ELECTRONIC FLASHCARDS:
Reinforce your understanding with flashcards that can run on your PC, Pocket PC, or Palm handheld.Also on CD, you'll find preview editions of the CCNA Video Series and the CCNA Audio Series from author Todd Lammle, as well as the entire book in searchable and printable PDF. Study anywhere, any time, and approach the exam with confidence.
Table of Contents
Assessment Test.
Chapter 1: Internetworking.
Chapter 2: Internet Protocols.
Chapter 3: IP Subnetting and Variable Length Subnet Masks (VLSMs) and Troubleshooting IP.
Chapter 4: Introduction to the Cisco IOS.
Chapter 5: IP Routing.
Chapter 6: Dynamic Routing Protocols.
Chapter 7: Layer 2 Switching.
Chapter 8: Managing a Cisco Internetwork.
Chapter 9: Wide Area Networking Protocols.
從暢銷作家Todd Lammle來的最新書籍,關於CCNA考試640-821的最新資訊,這是思科熱門的兩個考試之一,用於取得思科認證網絡工程師(CCNA)資格。本書全面介紹了小型辦公室或家庭辦公室市場的網絡,為考試做好準備,並提供您所需的技能。在本書中,您將找到:
- 系統性方法的完整覆蓋所有考試目標,因此您可以確信您正在獲得所需的指導
- 實用的實踐練習,以加強關鍵技能
- 真實世界的情境,展示課堂之外的生活,並將您所學的內容應用於實際工作角色中
- 每章具有挑戰性的評論問題,以準備您應對考試
- 每章結束時的考試要點,標識出在參加640-821考試之前必須熟練掌握的關鍵領域
- 一張方便的撕裂卡,將每個官方考試目標對應到書中的相應章節,以便您可以按照目標跟踪您的考試準備
- 在內部查看所有考試目標的完整覆蓋範圍
- CD上的特色內容
- SYBEX測試引擎:使用高級測試軟件測試您的知識。包括所有章節的評論問題和額外的考試。
- 電子閃卡:使用可以在您的PC、Pocket PC或Palm手持設備上運行的閃卡來加強您的理解。同時在CD上,您還可以找到作者Todd Lammle的CCNA視頻系列和CCNA音頻系列的預覽版本,以及可搜索和可打印的PDF格式的整本書。隨時隨地學習,自信應對考試。
- 簡介
- 評估測試
- 第1章:互聯網網絡
- 第2章:互聯網協議
- 第3章:IP子網劃分和可變長子網掩碼(VLSM)和IP故障排除
- 第4章:介紹思科IOS
- 第5章:IP路由
- 第6章:動態路由協議
- 第7章:第2層交換
- 第8章:管理思科互聯網網絡
- 第9章:廣域網絡協議
- 术语表
- 索引