Trust and Reputation for Service-Oriented Environments: Technologies For Building Business Intelligence And Consumer Confidence (服務導向環境中的信任與聲譽:建立商業智慧與消費者信心的技術)
Elizabeth Chang, Farookh Hussain, Tharam Dillon
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Trustworthiness technologies and systems for service-oriented environments are re-shaping the world of e-business. By building trust relationships and establishing trustworthiness and reputation ratings, service providers and organizations will improve customer service, business value and consumer confidence, and provide quality assessment and assurance for the customer in the networked economy.
Trust and Reputation for Service-Oriented Environments is a complete tutorial on how to provide business intelligence for sellers, service providers, and manufacturers. In an accessible style, the authors show how the capture of consumer requirements and end-user opinions gives modern businesses the competitive advantage.
Trust and Reputation for Service-Oriented Environments:
- Clarifies trust and security concepts, and defines trust, trust relationships, trustworthiness, reputation, reputation relationships, and trust and reputation models.
- Details trust and reputation ontologies and databases.
- Explores the dynamic nature of trust and reputation and how to manage them efficiently.
- Provides methodologies for trustworthiness measurement, reputation assessment and trustworthiness prediction.
- Evaluates current trust and reputation systems as employed by companies such as Yahoo, eBay, BizRate, Epinion and Amazon, etc.
- Gives ample illustrations and real world examples to help validate trust and reputation concepts and methodologies.
- Offers an accompanying website with lecture notes and PowerPoint slides.
This text will give senior undergraduate and masters level students of IT, IS, computer science, computer engineering and business disciplines a full understanding of the concepts and issues involved in trust and reputation. Business providers, consumer watch-dogs and government organizations will find it an invaluable reference to establishing and maintaining trust in open, distributed, anonymous service-oriented network environments.
Table of Contents
- Preface.
Author Introduction.
Chapter 1 Trust and Security in Service-Oriented Envirnoments.
1.1 Introduction.
1.2 Why Trust?.
1.3 Trust and Security.
1.4 Service-Oriented Environment.
1.5 Agents in Service-Oriented Environments.
1.6 Business in a Service-Oriented Environment.
1.7 Infrastructure in Service-Oriented Environment.
1.8 Technology in Service-Oriented Environments.
1.9 Trust in Service-Oriented Environments.
1.10 Chapter Summary.
Chapter 2 Trust Concepts and Trust Model.
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 Trust Environments.
2.3 Trust Definitions in Literature.
2.4 Advanced Trust Concepts.
2.5 Trust Relationships.
2.6 Trust Relationship Diagrams.
2.7 Trust Attributes and Methods.
2.8 Initiation of the Relationship.
2.9 The Trust Model.
2.10 Chapter Summary.
Chapter 3 Trustworthiness.
3.1 Introduction.
3.2 Trustworthiness in Literature.
3.3 Advanced Trustworthiness Definition.
3.4 Seven Levels of the Trustworthiness.
3.5 Semantics Representing and Postulates got Trustworthiness Levels.
3.6 Trustworthiness Measure and Prediction.
3.7 Challenges in Trustworthiness Measure and Prediction.
3.8 Chapter Summary.
Chapter 4 Trust Ontology for Service-Oriented Environment.
4.1 Introduction.
4.2 Ontology.
4.3 Hierarchy of Trust Concepts.
4.4 Hierarchy of Agents, Service and Product Concepts.
4.5 Hierarchy of Context and Association with Quality Assessment Criteria.
4.6 Agent Trust Ontology.
4.7 Service Trust Ontology.
4.8 Product Trust Ontology.
4.9 Trust Databases.
4.10 Summary.
Chapter 5 The Fuzzy and Dynamic Nature of Trust.
5.1 Introduction.
5.2 Existing Literature.
5.3 Fuzzy and Dynamic Characteristics of Trust.
5.4 Endogenous and Exogenous Characteristics of Agents.
5.5 Reasoning the Fuzziness and Dynamism.
5.6 Managing the Fuzziness of Trust.
5.7 Managing the Dynamism of Trust.
5.8 Summary.
Chapter 6 Trustworthiness Measure with CCCI.
6.1 Introduction.
6.2 Trustworthiness Measure Methodology.
6.3 CCCI Metrics.
6.4 The Commitment to the Criterion-Commit Criterion.
6.5 Clarity of the Criterion-Clear Criterion.
6.6 Influence of a Criterion-Inf Criterion.
6.7 Correlation of Defined Quality-Corr Qualities.
6.8 Trustworthiness Values and Corr Qualities.
6.9 Summary.
Chapter 7 Trustworthiness systems.
7.1 Introduction.
7.2 Amazon trustworthiness systems.
7.3 Yahho's trustworthiness systems.
7.4 trustworthiness systems.
7.5's trustworhtiness systems.
7.6's trustworthiness systems.
7.7's trustworthiness systems.
7.8 Review of trustworthiness systems.
7.9 CCCI for trustworthiness of e-Service.
7.10 Summary.
Chapter 8 Reputation Concepts and the Reputation Model.
8.1 Introduction.
8.2 Reputation in Literature.
8.3 Advanced Reputation Concepts.
8.4 Reputation Relationship.
8.5 Recommendation Trust Relationship.
8.6 Third-Party Trust Relationship.
8.7 Reputation Query Relationship.
8.8 Trustworthiness of Third-Party Recommendation Agents.
8.9 Trustworthiness of the Opinion.
8.10 1st Hand Opinion and 1st Hand Knowledge.
8.11 Reputation Model and Reputation Relationships Diagram.
8.12 Conclusion.
Chapter 9 Reputation Ontology.
9.1 Introduction.
9.2 Reputation Ontology.
9.3 Basic and Advanced Reputation Ontology.
9.4 Trustworthiness of Opinion Ontology.
9.5 Ontology for Reputation of Agent.
9.6 Ontology for Reputation of a Service.
9.7 Ontology for Reputation of a Product.
9.8 Reputation Databases.
9.9 Seven Levels of Reputation Measurement.
9.10 The Fuzzy Nature of Reputation.
9.11 The Dynamic Nature of Reputation.
9.12 Conclusion.
Chapter 10 Reputation Calculation Methodologies.
10.1 Introduction.
10.2 Methods for Synthesising the Reputation from Recommendations.
10.3 Factors and Features that Need to be Considered.
10.4 Deterministic Approach to Reputation Calculation.
10.5 Adjusting the Trustworthiness of Opinions.
10.6 Bayesian Approach.
10.7 Fuzzy System Approach.
10.8 Summary.
Chapter 11 Reputation Systems.
11.1 Introduction.
11.2 Re-Shaping E-Business with Reputation Technology.
11.3 Trust and Reputation Systems vs.. Recommendation Systems.
11.11 MovieLens Recommendation Systems.
11.12 Review of Reputation Systems.
11.13 Summary.
Chapter 12 Trust and Reputation Prediction.
12.1 Introduction.
12.2 Consideration in Trustworthiness Prediction.
12.3 Example - Logistics Service.
12.4 Prediction Methods.
12.5 Exponential Smoothing.
12.6 Re-Justification of Third Party Recommender's Trust Value.
12.7 Summary.
Chapter 13 Trust and Reputation Modelling.
13.1 Introduction.
13.2 Significance of Pictorial Modelling.
13.3 Notation Systems.
13.4 Trust Relationship Diagrams.
13.5 Trust Case Diagrams.
13.6 Trust Class Diagrams.
13.7 Trust Transition Diagrams.
13.8 Conclusion.
Chapter 14 The Vision of Trust and Reputation Technology.
14.1 Introduction.
14.2 Business Intelligence (BI).
14.3 Traditional IT and New Age Digital Ecosystems and Technology.
14.4 Trust and Reputation.
14.5 Future Research and Development.
14.6 The Vision and Conclusion.
- 澄清了信任和安全概念,並定義了信任、信任關係、信譽、信譽關係以及信任和信譽模型。
- 詳細介紹了信任和信譽本體論和數據庫。
- 探討了信任和信譽的動態性以及如何有效管理它們。
- 提供了信任度測量、信譽評估和信任度預測的方法論。
- 評估了雅虎、eBay、BizRate、Epinion和亞馬遜等公司目前使用的信任和信譽系統。
- 提供了豐富的實例和現實世界的例子,以幫助驗證信任和信譽的概念和方法論。
- 提供了附帶的網站,包含講義和PowerPoint幻燈片。
第1章 服務導向環境中的信任和安全
1.1 簡介
1.2 為什麼需要信任?
1.3 信任和安全
1.4 服務導向環境
1.5 服務導向環境中的代理人
1.6 服務導向環境中的業務
1.7 服務導向環境中的基礎設施
1.8 服務導向環境中的技術
1.9 服務導向環境中的信任
1.10 章節總結
第2章 信任概念和信任模型
2.1 簡介
2.2 信任和信任模型