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The principal strengths of the STL are that:
* the STL generalizes the concept of iterator * the STL algorithms can be used on regular arrays, thus increasing the applicability of the algorithms * The STL pays particular attention to the efficiency of the algorithms used.
This book provides a comprehensive introduction and guide to the STL pitched at the level of readers already familiar with C++. It presents a thorough overview of the capabilities of the STL, detailed discussions of the use of containers, descriptions of the algorithms and how they may be used, and how the STL may be extended. An appendix provides an alphabetical refernce to the entire STL. As a result, programmers of C++ and students coming to the STL for the first time will find this an extremely useful hands-on text. About the Author Dr. Robson has been involved in the computer industry and academics for the past seventeen years. He holds a Ph.D. from McGill University in Software Engineering, spent a decade in academics, and currently works in the industry. His professional interests include object-oriented programming, GUI systems, visualization of software, and visual programming. He remains an avid cyclist after many years.
C++ 的標準模板庫 (STL) 是 C++ 的一個重要補充,並且迅速成為所有 C++ 程式設計師必備的知識。它提供了一組用 C++ 編寫的通用資料結構和演算法,並已被 ANSI 委員會採納以標準化 C++。STL 正逐漸成為語言的一個擴展,將會被大多數甚至所有 C++ 編譯器所支援。
STL 的主要優勢在於:
* STL 概括了迭代器的概念
* STL 演算法可以用於常規陣列,從而增加了演算法的適用性
* STL 特別關注所使用演算法的效率
本書提供了對 STL 的全面介紹和指南,適合已經熟悉 C++ 的讀者。它詳細概述了 STL 的功能,對容器的使用進行了深入討論,描述了演算法及其使用方式,以及如何擴展 STL。附錄提供了整個 STL 的字母索引。因此,C++ 程式設計師和首次接觸 STL 的學生將會發現這是一本極具實用性的實作文本。
Robson 博士在計算機產業和學術界已經工作了十七年。他擁有麥吉爾大學的軟體工程博士學位,曾在學術界工作十年,目前在業界工作。他的專業興趣包括物件導向程式設計、GUI 系統、軟體可視化和視覺程式設計。經過多年的騎行,他仍然是一位熱愛騎自行車的人。