Digital Manufacturing and Assembly Systems in Industry 4.0
暫譯: 工業4.0中的數位製造與組裝系統

Kumar, Kaushik, Zindani, Divya, Davim, J. Paulo

  • 出版商: CRC
  • 出版日期: 2021-03-31
  • 售價: $2,400
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,280
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 162
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 0367779471
  • ISBN-13: 9780367779474
  • 相關分類: Assembly
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


Manufacturing, like other industries, is rising to the challenges imposed by aggressive consumer demands and the need for cost-effective processing that delivers quality in the fastest possible time. Fierce competition means that keeping abreast of new developments and applications in technology is essential if companies are to meet demands profitably and keep ahead of competitors. This book investigates the design and management of digital manufacturing and assembly systems for an efficient, flexible, and modular production of customized products using the I40 (industry 4.0)-enabling technologies. This book will also provide case studies covering modeling, simulation, and optimization.



  • eBook includes color figures.
  • Discusses how the advancement of data communication and storage through the Internet of Things (IoT) opens the possibilities of connecting sensors, robots, and devices
  • Sheds light on how the human role in industry is decreasing due to the development of connected manufacturing floors, allowing them to take more control over the manufacturing processes, decisions, and even maintenance
  • Covers the benefits from exploiting digital manufacturing, manufacturing enterprises, and what they expect to achieve
  • Explains the important roles that modeling, simulation, and optimization play
  • Investigates the design and management of digital manufacturing and assembly systems for an efficient, flexible, and modular production of customized products exploiting the I40 (industry 4.0)-enabling technologies




製造業與其他行業一樣,正面臨消費者需求的挑戰,以及需要以最具成本效益的方式進行處理,以最快的速度提供品質。激烈的競爭意味著,若企業要以盈利的方式滿足需求並保持領先於競爭對手,跟上技術的新發展和應用是至關重要的。本書探討了數位製造和組裝系統的設計與管理,旨在利用 I40(工業 4.0)啟用技術實現高效、靈活和模組化的定制產品生產。本書還將提供涵蓋建模、模擬和優化的案例研究。

- 電子書包含彩色圖形。
- 討論了物聯網(IoT)中數據通信和存儲的進步如何開啟連接傳感器、機器人和設備的可能性。
- 闡明了由於連接製造車間的發展,工人在工業中的角色正在減少,使他們能夠對製造過程、決策甚至維護有更多的控制權。
- 涵蓋了利用數位製造、製造企業的好處,以及他們期望達成的目標。
- 解釋了建模、模擬和優化所扮演的重要角色。
- 探討了數位製造和組裝系統的設計與管理,利用 I40(工業 4.0)啟用技術實現高效、靈活和模組化的定制產品生產。


Kaushik Kumar, B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering, REC (Now NIT), Warangal), MBA (Marketing, IGNOU) and PhD (Engineering, Jadavpur University), is presently an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India. He has 16 years of Teaching & Research and over 11 years of industrial experience in a manufacturing unit of Global repute. His areas of teaching and research interest are Conventional and Non-conventional Quality Management Systems, Optimization, Non-conventional machining, CAD / CAM, Rapid Prototyping and Composites. He has 9 Patents, 26 Book, 13 Edited Book, 42 Book Chapters, 136 international Journal publications, 21 International and 8 National Conference publications to his credit. He is on the editorial board and review panel of 7 International and 1 National Journals of repute. He has been felicitated with many awards and honours.



Divya Zindani, (BE, Mechanical Engineering, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota), M.E. (Design of Mechanical Equipment, BIT Mesra), presently pursuing PhD (National Institute of Technology, Silchar). He has over 2 years of Industrial experience. His areas of interests are Optimization, Product and Process Design, CAD/CAM/CAE, Rapid prototyping and Material Selection. He has 1 Patent, 4 Books, 6 Edited Books, 18 Book Chapters, 2 SCI journal, 7 Scopus Indexed international journal and 4 International Conference publications to his credit.





J. Paulo Davim received his PhD in mechanical engineering in 1997, M.Sc. in mechanical engineering (materials and manufacturing processes) in 1991, Licentiate degree (5 years) in mechanical engineering in 1986 from the University of Porto (FEUP), the Aggregate title from the University of Coimbra in 2005 and D.Sc. from London Metropolitan University in 2013. He is EUR ING by FEANI and senior chartered engineer by the Portuguese Institution of Engineers with MBA and specialist title in engineering and industrial management. Currently, he is professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Aveiro. He has more than 30 years of teaching and research experience in manufacturing, materials and mechanical engineering with special emphasis in machining and tribology. Recently, he has also interest in management/industrial engineering and higher education for sustainability/engineering education. He has received several scientific awards. He has worked as evaluator of projects for international research agencies as well as examiner of PhD thesis for many universities. He is the editor in chief of several international journals, guest editor of journals, editor of books, series editor of books and scientific advisor for many international journals and conferences. At present, he is an editorial board member of 25 international journals and acts as reviewer for more than 80 prestigious Web of Science journals. In addition, he has also published as editor (and co-editor) for more than 100 books and as author (and co-author) for more than 10 books, 80 book chapters and 400 articles in journals and conferences (more than 200 articles in journals indexed in Web of Science/h-index 45+ and SCOPUS/h-index 52+).




Kaushik Kumar,機械工程學士(B.Tech,REC(現為NIT),瓦朗加爾),行銷碩士(MBA,IGNOU)及工程博士(PhD,賈達夫普大學),目前擔任印度朗齊比爾拉科技學院機械工程系的副教授。他擁有16年的教學與研究經驗,以及超過11年的全球知名製造單位的產業經驗。他的教學與研究興趣領域包括傳統與非傳統品質管理系統、優化、非傳統加工、CAD/CAM、快速原型製作及複合材料。他擁有9項專利、26本書籍、13本編輯書籍、42章書籍章節、136篇國際期刊發表、21篇國際會議及8篇國內會議發表。他是7本國際期刊及1本國內期刊的編輯委員會成員及審稿小組成員,並獲得多項獎項與榮譽。

Divya Zindani(機械工程學士,拉賈斯坦技術大學,科塔),機械設備設計碩士(M.E.,比爾拉科技學院,梅斯拉),目前正在追求國立技術學院(Silchar)的博士學位。他擁有超過2年的產業經驗。他的興趣領域包括優化、產品與過程設計、CAD/CAM/CAE、快速原型製作及材料選擇。他擁有1項專利、4本書籍、6本編輯書籍、18章書籍章節、2篇SCI期刊、7篇Scopus索引的國際期刊及4篇國際會議發表。

J. Paulo Davim於1997年獲得機械工程博士學位,1991年獲得機械工程碩士學位(材料與製造過程),1986年獲得波爾圖大學(FEUP)機械工程學士學位(5年),2005年獲得科英布拉大學的綜合學位,2013年獲得倫敦城市大學的科學博士學位。他是FEANI認證的歐洲工程師(EUR ING)及葡萄牙工程師協會的高級特許工程師,擁有MBA及工程與工業管理的專家資格。目前,他是阿維羅大學機械工程系的教授。他在製造、材料及機械工程領域擁有超過30年的教學與研究經驗,特別強調加工與摩擦學。最近,他也對管理/工業工程及可持續性/工程教育的高等教育產生興趣。他獲得了多項科學獎項,曾擔任國際研究機構的項目評估者及多所大學的博士論文考官。他是多本國際期刊的主編、特邀編輯、書籍編輯、系列書籍編輯及多個國際期刊和會議的科學顧問。目前,他是25本國際期刊的編輯委員會成員,並擔任超過80本知名Web of Science期刊的審稿人。此外,他還作為編輯(及共同編輯)出版了超過100本書籍,作為作者(及共同作者)出版了超過10本書籍、80章書籍章節及400篇期刊與會議文章(超過200篇在Web of Science索引的文章/h-index 45+及SCOPUS/h-index 52+)。

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