AI and Swarm: Evolutionary Approach to Emergent Intelligence
暫譯: 人工智慧與群體:演化方法探討新興智慧

Iba, Hitoshi



This book provides theoretical and practical knowledge on AI and swarm intelligence. It provides a methodology for EA (evolutionary algorithm)-based approach for complex adaptive systems with the integration of several meta-heuristics, e.g., ACO (Ant Colony Optimization), ABC (Artificial Bee Colony), and PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization), etc. These developments contribute towards better problem-solving methodologies in AI. The book also covers emerging uses of swarm intelligence in applications such as complex adaptive systems, reaction-diffusion computing, and diffusion-limited aggregation, etc.


Another emphasis is its real-world applications. We give empirical examples from real-world problems and show that the proposed approaches are successful when addressing tasks from such areas as swarm robotics, silicon traffics, image understanding, Vornoi diagrams, queuing theory, and slime intelligence, etc.

Each chapter begins with the background of the problem followed by the current state-of-the-art techniques of the field, and ends with a detailed discussion. In addition, the simulators, based on optimizers such as PSO and ABC complex adaptive system simulation, are described in detail. These simulators, as well as some source codes, are available online on the author's website for the benefit of readers interested in getting some hands-on experience of the subject.

The concepts presented in this book aim to promote and facilitate the effective research in swarm intelligence approaches in both theory and practice. This book would also be of value to other readers because it covers interdisciplinary research topics that encompass problem-solving tasks in AI, complex adaptive systems, and meta-heuristics.



另一個重點是其現實世界的應用。我們提供來自現實世界問題的實證例子,並展示所提出的方法在解決群體機器人、矽交通、圖像理解、Voronoi 圖、排隊理論和黏液智慧等領域的任務時是成功的。

每一章節都以問題的背景開始,接著介紹該領域的最新技術,最後進行詳細討論。此外,基於如 PSO 和 ABC 的優化器的複雜適應系統模擬器也有詳細描述。這些模擬器以及一些源代碼可在作者的網站上線上獲得,方便有興趣獲得實作經驗的讀者。



Hitoshi Iba is a Professor at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo. From 1990 to 1998, he was a senior researcher at the Electro Technical Laboratory (ETL) in Ibaraki, Japan. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines (GPEM). He is also is an underwater naturalist and experienced PADI divemaster having completed more than a thousand dives.


伊場仁志是東京大學資訊科學與技術研究所的教授。從1990年到1998年,他在日本茨城的電氣技術研究所(ETL)擔任高級研究員。他是《遺傳編程與可演化機器期刊》(Journal of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, GPEM)的副編輯。他同時也是一位水下自然學家,並且是一位經驗豐富的PADI潛水長,已完成超過一千次潛水。