Statistical Design, Monitoring, and Analysis of Clinical Trials: Principles and Methods, 2/e (Hardcover)
暫譯: 臨床試驗的統計設計、監控與分析:原則與方法,第2版(精裝本)

Shih, Weichung Joe, Aisner, Joseph



Statistical Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials, Second Edition concentrates on the biostatistics component of clinical trials. This new edition is updated throughout and includes five new chapters.

Developed from the authors' courses taught to public health and medical students, residents, and fellows during the past 15 years, the text shows how biostatistics in clinical trials is an integration of many fundamental scientific principles and statistical methods. The book begins with ethical and safety principles, core trial design concepts, the principles and methods of sample size and power calculation, and analysis of covariance and stratified analysis. It then focuses on sequential designs and methods for two-stage Phase II cancer trials to Phase III group sequential trials, covering monitoring safety, futility, and efficacy. The authors also discuss the development of sample size reestimation and adaptive group sequential procedures, explain the concept of different missing data processes, and describe how to analyze incomplete data by proper multiple imputations.

This text reflects the academic research, commercial development, and public health aspects of clinical trials. It gives students a multidisciplinary understanding of the concepts and techniques involved in designing and analyzing various types of trials. The book's balanced set of homework assignments and in-class exercises are appropriate for students in (bio)statistics, epidemiology, medicine, pharmacy, and public health.






Weichung Joe Shih, PhD, has been tenured professor and chair of the Department of Biostatistics, Rutgers School of Public Health, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, and director of Biometrics Division at the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey. He is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association (1996) and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute (2001). Prior to joining academia, he spent his formative years (1982-1999) at Merck Research Laboratories, Rahway, New Jersey. He served in the Advisory Board of the US FDA for reviewing new drug applications, and was associate editor of professional journals, including Statistics in Medicine, Controlled Clinical Trials, Clinical Cancer Research, Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, and Statistics in Bioscience. He pioneered in the field of sample size re-estimation for clinical trials, which has evolved into the field of adaptive designs. He also first advocated the use of consistency criterion for international bridging studies, which is now adopted by the ICH guidance for global multiregional clinical trials. He has collaborated extensively with physicians in various therapeutic areas and authored numerous papers in statistical methodology in clinical trials. His research interests include adaptive designs and missing data issues. He has been honored as professor emeritus of Rutgers University since July 2019.

Joseph Aisner, MD, is a professor of medicine and a professor of environmental and occupational medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School of Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, director of Medical Oncology Unit at the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, New Jersey, and co-leader of the Clinical Investigations Program at the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey. He has published extensively and has served on the editorial board of multiple journals, including Journal of Clinical Oncology, Cancer Therapeutics, Medical Oncology, Clinical Cancer Research, and Hematology-Oncology Today. He is a fellow of the American College of Physicians and the American Society of Clinical Oncology. He serves on and chairs several National Data Monitoring Committees, has served on multiple National Institutes of Health (NIH) Study Sections, and has headed two National Cooperative Cancer Study Groups. His research interests include cancer clinical trials and evaluation of therapeutic interventions.


施維忠博士,為羅格斯大學公共衛生學院生物統計學系的終身教授及系主任,並擔任羅格斯癌症研究所生物統計部的主任。他是美國統計學會的當選會士(1996年)及國際統計學會的當選成員(2001年)。在進入學術界之前,他在默克研究實驗室(Merck Research Laboratories)度過了他的成長歲月(1982-1999),該實驗室位於新澤西州拉威(Rahway)。他曾在美國食品藥品監督管理局(US FDA)的諮詢委員會中擔任新藥申請的審查委員,並擔任多本專業期刊的副編輯,包括Statistics in MedicineControlled Clinical TrialsClinical Cancer ResearchStatistics in Biopharmaceutical ResearchStatistics in Bioscience。他在臨床試驗的樣本大小重新估算領域開創了先河,該領域已演變為適應性設計。他也首次倡導在國際橋接研究中使用一致性標準,該標準現在已被國際會議(ICH)指導方針採納,用於全球多區域臨床試驗。他與各種治療領域的醫生廣泛合作,並在臨床試驗的統計方法上發表了大量論文。他的研究興趣包括適應性設計和缺失數據問題。自2019年7月以來,他被授予羅格斯大學名譽教授的榮譽。

約瑟夫·艾斯納醫學博士,為羅格斯大學羅伯特·伍德·約翰遜醫學院的內科教授及環境與職業醫學教授,並擔任羅伯特·伍德·約翰遜大學醫院的醫療腫瘤科主任,以及羅格斯癌症研究所臨床研究計畫的共同負責人。他發表了大量研究成果,並在多本期刊的編輯委員會中任職,包括Journal of Clinical OncologyCancer TherapeuticsMedical OncologyClinical Cancer ResearchHematology-Oncology Today。他是美國內科醫師學會及美國臨床腫瘤學會的會士。他在多個國家數據監測委員會中擔任委員及主席,曾在多個國立衛生研究院(NIH)研究小組中任職,並領導過兩個國家合作癌症研究小組。他的研究興趣包括癌症臨床試驗及治療介入的評估。