Security in Iot-Enabled Spaces
暫譯: 物聯網啟用空間的安全性

Al-Turjman, Fadi


Security and smart spaces are among the most significant topics in IoT nowadays. The implementation of secured smart spaces is at the heart of this concept, and its development is a key issue in the next generation IoT. This book addresses major security aspects and challenges in realizing smart spaces and sensing platforms in critical Cloud and IoT applications. The book focuses on both the design and implementation aspects of security models and strategies in smart that are enabled by wireless sensor networks and RFID systems. It mainly examines seamless data access approaches and encryption and decryption aspects in reliable IoT systems.




Prof. Dr. Fadi Al-Turjman is a Professor at Antalya Bilim University, Turkey. He received his Ph.D. degree in computing science from Queen's University, Canada, in 2011. He is a leading authority in the areas of smart/cognitive, wireless and mobile networks' architectures, protocols, deployments, and performance evaluation. His record spans more than 170 publications in journals, conferences, patents, books, and book chapters, in addition to numerous keynotes and plenary talks at flagship venues. He has received several recognitions and best papers' awards at top international conferences, and led a number of international symposia and workshops in flagship ComSoc conferences. He is serving as the Lead Guest Editor in several journals including the IET Wireless Sensor Systems (WSS), MDPI Sensors and Wiley WCMC. He is also the publication chair for the IEEE International Conf. on Local Computer Networks (LCN'18). He is the sole author for 5 recently published books about cognition and wireless sensor networks' deployments in smart environments with Taylor and Francis, CRC New York


教授 Fadi Al-Turjman 博士是土耳其安塔利亞科學大學的教授。他於2011年在加拿大女王大學獲得計算科學的博士學位。他在智慧/認知、無線和移動網路的架構、協議、部署及性能評估等領域是領先的權威。他的研究成果包括超過170篇的期刊、會議論文、專利、書籍及書章,並在多個重要場合發表了許多主題演講和全體會議演講。他在頂尖國際會議上獲得了多項榮譽和最佳論文獎,並在重要的通訊學會會議中主導了多個國際研討會和工作坊。他擔任多本期刊的首席客座編輯,包括 IET Wireless Sensor Systems (WSS)、MDPI Sensors 和 Wiley WCMC。他也是 IEEE 國際地方計算網路會議 (LCN'18) 的出版主席。他是最近出版的五本關於智慧環境中認知和無線感測網路部署的書籍的唯一作者,這些書籍由 Taylor and Francis 和 CRC New York 出版。