Introduction to Software Engineering

Leach, Ronald J.



Introduction to Software Engineering, Second Edition equips students with the fundamentals to prepare them for satisfying careers as software engineers regardless of future changes in the field, even if the changes are unpredictable or disruptive in nature. Retaining the same organization as its predecessor, this second edition adds considerable material on open source and agile development models.


The text helps students understand software development techniques and processes at a reasonably sophisticated level. Students acquire practical experience through team software projects. Throughout much of the book, a relatively large project is used to teach about the requirements, design, and coding of software. In addition, a continuing case study of an agile software development project offers a complete picture of how a successful agile project can work.

The book covers each major phase of the software development life cycle, from developing software requirements to software maintenance. It also discusses project management and explains how to read software engineering literature. Three appendices describe software patents, command-line arguments, and flowcharts.








Ronald J. Leach is an independent consultant and professor and department chair emeritus of computer science at Howard University. His research interests include software reuse, software measurement and metrics, and software fault-tolerance. He earned a BS, an MS, and a PhD in mathematics from the University of Maryland as well as an MS in computer science from Johns Hopkins University.


Ronald J. Leach是一位獨立顧問,同時也是霍華德大學計算機科學系的教授和系主任退休者。他的研究興趣包括軟體重用、軟體測量和指標,以及軟體容錯能力。他在馬里蘭大學獲得了數學學士、碩士和博士學位,並在約翰霍普金斯大學獲得了計算機科學碩士學位。