Mobile Cloud Computing: Models, Implementation, and Security provides a comprehensive introduction to mobile cloud computing, including key concepts, models, and relevant applications. The book focuses on novel and advanced algorithms, as well as mobile app development.
The book begins with an overview of mobile cloud computing concepts, models, and service deployments, as well as specific cloud service models. It continues with the basic mechanisms and principles of mobile computing, as well as virtualization techniques. The book also introduces mobile cloud computing architecture, design, key techniques, and challenges.
The second part of the book covers optimizations of data processing and storage in mobile clouds, including performance and green clouds. The crucial optimization algorithm in mobile cloud computing is also explored, along with big data and service computing.
Security issues in mobile cloud computing are covered in-depth, including a brief introduction to security and privacy issues and threats, as well as privacy protection techniques in mobile systems. The last part of the book features the integration of service-oriented architecture with mobile cloud computing. It discusses web service specifications related to implementations of mobile cloud computing.
The book not only presents critical concepts in mobile cloud systems, but also drives readers to deeper research, through open discussion questions. Practical case studies are also included. Suitable for graduate students and professionals, this book provides a detailed and timely overview of mobile cloud computing for a broad range of readers.
Meikang Qiu is an associate professor of computer science at Pace University, and an adjunct professor at Columbia University. He is an IEEE/ACM Senior Member, as well as Chair of the IEEE STC (Special Technical Community) on Smart Computing. He is an associate editor of a dozen of journals including IEEE Transactions on Computers and IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. He has published 320+ peer-reviewed journal/conference papers and won 10+ Best Paper Awards.
Keke Gai is pursuing his PhD at Pace University. He has published over 70 peer-reviewed journal or conference papers, and has been granted three IEEE Best Paper Awards and two IEEE Best Student Paper Awards. His research interests include cloud computing, cyber security, combinatorial optimization, business process modeling, enterprise architecture, and Internet computing.
邱美康是佩斯大學計算機科學的副教授,同時也是哥倫比亞大學的兼任教授。他是IEEE/ACM的資深會員,並擔任IEEE STC(特殊技術社群)智慧計算的主席。他是多本期刊的副編輯,包括IEEE Transactions on Computers和IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing。他已發表超過320篇經過同行評審的期刊/會議論文,並獲得10多個最佳論文獎。