Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things: Applications in Smart Healthcare
暫譯: 人工智慧與物聯網:智慧醫療的應用
Goyal, Lalit Mohan, Saba, Tanzila, Rehman, Amjad
This book reveals the applications of AI & IoT in smart healthcare and medical systems. It also provides core principles, algorithms, protocols, emerging trends, security problems and their findings in e-healthcare services.
本書揭示了人工智慧 (AI) 與物聯網 (IoT) 在智慧醫療和醫療系統中的應用。它還提供了核心原則、演算法、協議、新興趨勢、安全問題及其在電子醫療服務中的研究結果。
Lalit Mohan Goyal received BTech (Hons.) in computer engineering from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra; MTech (Hons.) in information technology from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi; and PhD in computer engineering from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He has 16 years of teaching experience in the area of theory of computation, parallel and random algorithms, distributed data mining, and cloud computing. He is currently with the Department of Computer Engineering, J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA, Faridabad, India. He is currently working on the project sponsored by the Indian Council of Medical Research, Delhi. He has published research papers in SCI indexed and Scopus indexed journals and conferences. He is a reviewer of many reputed journals and conferences.
Tanzila Saba earned her PhD in document information security and management from Faculty of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia in 2012. She won the best student award in the Faculty of Computing, UTM for 2012. Currently, she is serving as an Associate Chair of Information Systems Department in the College of Computer and Information Sciences, Prince Sultan University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Her primary focuses of research focuses in recent years are medical imaging, pattern recognition, data mining, MRI analysis, and soft-computing. She has above 200 publications that have above 5000 citations with h-index 46. Her mostly publications are in biomedical research published in ISI/SCIE indexed. Due to her excellent research achievement, she is included in Marquis Who's Who (S & T) 2012. Currently, she is an editor and reviewer of reputed journals and on the panel of TPC of international conferences. She has full command of a variety of subjects and taught several courses at the graduate and postgraduate levels. On the accreditation side, she is a skilled lady with ABET and NCAAA quality assurance. She is the senior member of IEEE. Dr. Tanzila is the leader of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics Research Lab at PSU and active professional members of ACM, AIS, and IAENG organizations. She is the PSU WiDS (Women in Data Science) ambassador at Stanford University and Global Women Tech Conference. She earned the best researcher award at PSU for consecutive 4 years. She has been nominated as a Research Professor at PSU since September 2019.
Amjad Rehman is a Senior Researcher in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics Lab, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He received his PhD and Postdoc from Faculty of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with specialization in Forensic Documents Analysis and Security with honors in 2010 and 2011, respectively. He received the Rector Award 2010 for best student in the university. Currently, he is PI in several funded projects and also completed projects funded from MOHE, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia. His keen interests are in data mining, health informatics, and pattern recognition. He is author of more than 200 ISI journal papers, conferences and is a senior member of IEEE with h-index 44.
Souad Larabi-Marie-Sainte graduated in operational research from the University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algeria. She received dual MSc in mathematics, decision and organization from Paris Dauphine University, France, and in computing and applications from Sorbonne Paris 1 University, France, and PhD in bioinspired algorithms (artificial intelligence) from the Computer Science Department, Toulouse 1 University Capitole, France, in 2011. She was an Assistant Professor with the College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University. She was also an Associate Researcher with the Department of Computer Science, Toulouse 1 University Capitole, France. She is currently an Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer Science, Associate Director of Software Engineering and Cyber Security Master Programs, and Vice-Chair of the ACM Professional Chapter at Prince Sultan University. She has written several articles and has attended various specialized international conferences. She has also participated in several research projects. Her research interests include combinatorial optimization, metaheuristics, artificial intelligence and especially bioinspired algorithms applied to multidisciplinary domains, algorithms analysis and design, bioinformatics, data mining, machine and deep learning, biometric identification, natural language processing, and software engineering.
Lalit Mohan Goyal 於庫魯克舍特大學獲得計算機工程的榮譽學士學位(BTech (Hons.));於新德里的古魯戈賓德辛格印度普拉斯大學獲得信息技術的榮譽碩士學位(MTech (Hons.));並於新德里的賈米亞米利亞伊斯蘭大學獲得計算機工程的博士學位(PhD)。他在計算理論、並行與隨機算法、分佈式數據挖掘和雲計算等領域擁有16年的教學經驗。目前,他在印度法里達巴德的J.C. Bose科學與技術大學計算機工程系任職。他目前正在進行一個由印度醫學研究委員會贊助的項目。他在SCI和Scopus索引的期刊及會議上發表了多篇研究論文,並擔任多個知名期刊和會議的審稿人。
Tanzila Saba 於2012年在馬來西亞科技大學(Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM)計算學院獲得文件信息安全與管理的博士學位(PhD)。她在2012年獲得UTM計算學院的最佳學生獎。目前,她在沙烏地阿拉伯利雅德的王子蘇丹大學計算與信息科學學院擔任信息系的副主任。她近年來的主要研究重點包括醫學影像、模式識別、數據挖掘、MRI分析和軟計算。她的出版物超過200篇,引用次數超過5000次,h-index為46。她的大部分出版物均為發表在ISI/SCIE索引的生物醫學研究。由於她卓越的研究成就,她被列入2012年《馬奎斯誰是誰》(Marquis Who's Who, S & T)。目前,她是多個知名期刊的編輯和審稿人,並參與國際會議的TPC小組。她對多個學科有全面的掌握,並在研究生和碩士生層級教授多門課程。在認證方面,她擁有ABET和NCAAA的質量保證專業技能。她是IEEE的高級會員。Tanzila博士是PSU人工智能與數據分析研究實驗室的負責人,並且是ACM、AIS和IAENG組織的活躍專業成員。她是PSU WiDS(女性數據科學)大使,參加斯坦福大學和全球女性科技會議。她連續四年獲得PSU最佳研究者獎。自2019年9月以來,她被提名為PSU的研究教授。
Amjad Rehman 是沙烏地阿拉伯利雅德王子蘇丹大學人工智能與數據分析實驗室的高級研究員。他於2010年和2011年在馬來西亞科技大學計算學院獲得博士學位(PhD)和博士後研究(Postdoc),專攻法醫文件分析與安全,並以優異成績畢業。他於2010年獲得大學最佳學生的校長獎。目前,他是多個資助項目的主要研究者(PI),並完成了來自馬來西亞和沙烏地阿拉伯的資助項目。他的研究興趣包括數據挖掘、健康信息學和模式識別。他是200多篇ISI期刊論文和會議的作者,並且是IEEE的高級會員,h-index為44。
Souad Larabi-Marie-Sainte 於阿爾及利亞的霍阿里·布梅迪恩科技大學獲得運籌學學位。她在法國巴黎多芬大學獲得數學、決策與組織的雙碩士學位(MSc),以及在法國索邦巴黎1大學獲得計算與應用的雙碩士學位,並於2011年在法國圖盧茲1大學計算機科學系獲得生物啟發算法(人工智能)的博士學位(PhD)。她曾在沙烏地阿拉伯的國王沙烏德大學計算與信息科學學院擔任助理教授。她也曾在法國圖盧茲1大學計算機科學系擔任副研究員。目前,她在王子蘇丹大學計算機科學系擔任助理教授,並擔任軟體工程與網絡安全碩士課程的副主任,以及ACM專業分會的副主席。她撰寫了多篇文章,並參加了各種專業國際會議。她還參與了多個研究項目。她的研究興趣包括組合優化、元啟發式算法、人工智能,特別是應用於多學科領域的生物啟發算法、算法分析與設計、生物信息學、數據挖掘、機器學習與深度學習、生物識別、自然語言處理和軟體工程。