Indrajit Pan is serving as Associate Professor of Information Technology Department at RCC Institute of Information Technology, Kolkata with an experience of 14 years in teaching. He has around forty research publications in different International journals, edited books and conference proceedings. Three research scholars are enrolled and working under his supervision for their doctoral dissertation. Indrajit has coauthored five published research volumes with prestigious publishers like John Wiley, CRC Press, De Gruyter and IGI Global. In addition to these he has coauthored four international journal proceedings with IEEE, USA and two International symposium proceedings with Springer Nature. He served as guest editor in International Journal of Hybrid Intelligence for special issue on Hybrid computational intelligence in big data analytics and cloud computing. Indrajit is the Senior member of IEEE, USA and Member of ACM, USA. His present research interest includes social network analysis and cloud computing.
Mohamed Abd Elaziz received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer science from the Zagazig University, in 2008 and 2011, respectively. He received Ph.D. degree in mathematics and computer science from Zagazig University, Egypt in 2014. From 2008 to 2011, he was Assistant lecturer in Department of computer science. Since 2014, he has been a lecturer with the Mathematical Department, Zagazig University. He is the author of more than 100 articles. His research interests include machine learning, signal processing, image processing, cloud computing, Evolutionary algorithms. Mohamed has coauthored two published books.
Siddhartha Bhattacharyya is currently serving as a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Christ University, Bangalore. He served as the Principal of RCC Institute of Information Technology, Kolkata, India during 2017-2019. He is a co-author of 5 books and the co-editor of 45 books and has more than 250 research publications in international journals and conference proceedings to his credit. He has got two PCTs to his credit. He has been the member of the organizing and technical program committees of several national and international conferences. He is the Associate Editor of several reputed journals including Applied Soft Computing, IEEE Access, Evolutionary Intelligence and IET Quantum Communications. He is the editor of International Journal of Pattern Recognition Research and the founding Editor in Chief of International Journal of Hybrid Intelligence, Inderscience. His research interests include hybrid intelligence, pattern recognition, multimedia data processing, social networks and quantum computing. is currently serving as a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Christ University, Bangalore. He served as the Principal of RCC Institute of Information Technology, Kolkata, India during 2017-2019. He is a co-author of 5 books and the co-editor of 45 books and has more than 250 research publications in international journals and conference proceedings to his credit. He has got two PCTs to his credit. He has been the member of the organizing and technical program committees of several national and international conferences. He is the Associate Editor of several reputed journals including Applied Soft Computing, IEEE Access, Evolutionary Intelligence and IET Quantum Communications. He is the editor of International Journal of Pattern Recognition Research and the founding Editor in Chief of International Journal of Hybrid Intelligence, Inderscience. His research interests include hybrid intelligence, pattern recognition, multimedia data processing, social networks and quantum computing.
Indrajit Pan 擔任 Kolkata RCC 資訊科技學院資訊科技系的副教授,擁有 14 年的教學經驗。他在不同的國際期刊、編輯書籍和會議論文集中發表了約四十篇研究論文。目前有三位研究生在他的指導下進行博士論文的研究。Indrajit 與 John Wiley、CRC Press、De Gruyter 和 IGI Global 等知名出版社共同撰寫了五本已出版的研究專著。此外,他還與 IEEE(美國)共同撰寫了四篇國際期刊論文集,並與 Springer Nature 合作發表了兩篇國際研討會論文集。他曾擔任《國際混合智慧期刊》的客座編輯,負責關於大數據分析和雲計算的混合計算智慧特刊。Indrajit 是 IEEE(美國)的高級會員及 ACM(美國)會員。他目前的研究興趣包括社交網絡分析和雲計算。
Mohamed Abd Elaziz 於 2008 年和 2011 年分別在 Zagazig 大學獲得計算機科學的學士和碩士學位,並於 2014 年在埃及 Zagazig 大學獲得數學和計算機科學的博士學位。從 2008 年到 2011 年,他擔任計算機科學系的助理講師。自 2014 年以來,他一直在 Zagazig 大學數學系擔任講師。他是超過 100 篇文章的作者,研究興趣包括機器學習、信號處理、影像處理、雲計算和進化演算法。Mohamed 共同撰寫了兩本已出版的書籍。
Siddhartha Bhattacharyya 目前擔任班加羅爾基督大學計算機科學與工程系的教授。他曾於 2017 至 2019 年擔任 Kolkata RCC 資訊科技學院的院長。他是 5 本書的共同作者,並擔任 45 本書的共同編輯,擁有超過 250 篇國際期刊和會議論文的研究出版物。他擁有兩項 PCT 專利,並曾是多個國內外會議的組織和技術程序委員會成員。他是多本知名期刊的副編輯,包括《應用軟體計算》、《IEEE Access》、《進化智慧》和《IET 量子通訊》。他是《國際模式識別研究期刊》的編輯,以及《國際混合智慧期刊》(Inderscience)的創始主編。他的研究興趣包括混合智慧、模式識別、多媒體數據處理、社交網絡和量子計算。