Behavioral Cybersecurity: Fundamental Principles and Applications of Personality Psychology
暫譯: 行為網絡安全:人格心理學的基本原則與應用
Patterson, Wayne, Winston-Proctor, Cynthia E.
This book discusses the role of human personality in the study of behavioral cybersecurity for non-specialists.
Since the introduction and proliferation of the Internet, cybersecurity maintenance issues have grown exponentially. The importance of behavioral cybersecurity has recently been amplified by current events, such as misinformation and cyber-attacks related to election interference in the United States and internationally. More recently, similar issues have occurred in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The book presents profiling approaches, offers case studies of major cybersecurity events and provides analysis of password attacks and defenses. Discussing psychological methods used to assess behavioral cybersecurity, alongside risk management, the book also describes game theory and its applications, explores the role of cryptology and steganography in attack and defense scenarios and brings the reader up to date with current research into motivation and attacker/defender personality traits.
Written for practitioners in the field, alongside nonspecialists with little prior knowledge of cybersecurity, computer science, or psychology, the book will be of interest to all who need to protect their computing environment from cyber-attacks. The book also provides source materials for courses in this growing area of behavioral cybersecurity.
自從網際網路的引入和普及以來,網路安全維護問題呈指數增長。行為網路安全的重要性最近因當前事件而被放大,例如與美國及國際選舉干預相關的錯誤資訊和網路攻擊。更近期的情況是在 COVID-19 大流行的背景下出現了類似的問題。
Dr. Wayne Patterson is a retired professor of computer science from Howard University. He is also currently co-principal investigator for the NSF-funded GEAR UP project at Howard, which has supported almost 300 STEM undergrads to do summer research in 15 developing countries. He has also been Director of the Cybersecurity Research Center, Associate Vice Provost for Research, and Senior Fellow for Research and International Affairs in the Graduate School at Howard. He has also been Professeur d'Informatique at the Université de Moncton, Chair of the Department of Computer Science at the University of New Orleans, and in 1988 Associate Vice Chancellor for Research there. In 1993, he was appointed Vice President for Research and Professional and Community Services, and Dean of the Graduate School at the College of Charleston, South Carolina. In 1998, he was selected by the Council of Graduate Schools, the national organization of graduate deans and graduate schools, as the Dean in Residence at the national office in Washington, DC. His other service to the graduate community in the United States has included being elected to the presidency of the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools, and to the Board of Directors of the Council of Graduate Schools. Dr. Patterson has published more than 50 scholarly articles primarily related to cybersecurity; one of the earliest cybersecurity textbooks, Mathematical Cryptology; and subsequently three other books. He has been the principal investigator on over 35 external grants valued at over $6,000,000. In August 2006, he was loaned by Howard University to the U.S. National Science Foundation to serve as the Foundation's Program Manager for International Science and Engineering in Developing Countries, and in 2017 was Visiting Scholar at Google. He received degrees from the University of Toronto (BSc and MSc in Mathematics), University of New Brunswick (MSc in Computer Science), and University of Michigan (PhD in Mathematics). He has also held postdoctoral appointments at Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley.
Dr. Cynthia E.Winston-Proctor is a widely respected and accomplished narrative personality psychologist and academic. She is Professor of Psychology and Principal Investigator of the Identity and Success Research Laboratory at Howard University. She is also founder of Winston Synergy LLC, a psychology and education consulting firm. Dr. Winston-Proctor earned her Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from Howard University and her Ph.D. in psychology and education from the University of Michigan. Recognized as an outstanding psychologist, research scientist, and teacher, Dr. Winston-Proctor was awarded the National Science Foundation Early Career Award for scientists and engineers, the Howard University Syllabus of the Year Award, the Howard University Emerging Scholar Award, and a Brown University Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Professorship. Also, she was elected as a member of the Society of Personology, the oldest and most prominent society for scholars to develop, preserve, and promote theory and research that focuses on the study of individual lives and whole persons. As an academic, she has led the development of curricula across a spectrum of areas including undergraduate education in psychology, behavioral cybersecurity, qualitative inquiry in psychology, healthy living for women, culturally responsive computational thinking, and African ancestry education. Her theory and method development-focused research and education scholarship have resulted in publications in numerous journals and edited books, including Culture & Psychology; Qualitative Psychology; Journal of Research on Adolescence; Psych Critiques; New Directions in Childhood & Development; the Oxford Handbook of Cultural Psychology; and Culture, Learning, & Technology: Research and Practice. Dr. Winston-Proctor's professional service includes serving as an editor on the Editorial Board of the American Psychological Association Journal of Qualitative Psychology, President of the Society of STEM Women of Color, Member of the Board of Directors of the Alfred Harcourt Foundation, and Advisor to the Board of Directors of the Howard University Middle School of Mathematics and Science.
韋恩·帕特森博士(Dr. Wayne Patterson)是霍華大學(Howard University)退休的計算機科學教授。他目前也是霍華大學國家科學基金會(NSF)資助的GEAR UP項目的共同首席研究員,該項目支持近300名STEM(科學、技術、工程和數學)本科生在15個發展中國家進行暑期研究。他曾擔任網絡安全研究中心主任、研究副教務長以及霍華大學研究與國際事務的高級研究員。他還曾在蒙克頓大學(Université de Moncton)擔任計算機科學教授,在新奧爾良大學(University of New Orleans)擔任計算機科學系主任,並於1988年擔任該校研究副校長。1993年,他被任命為南卡羅來納州查爾斯頓學院(College of Charleston)研究及專業與社區服務副校長及研究生院院長。1998年,他被全國研究生院協會(Council of Graduate Schools)選為華盛頓特區全國辦公室的駐院院長。他在美國研究生社群中的其他服務包括當選南方研究生院會議(Conference of Southern Graduate Schools)會長,以及全國研究生院協會董事會成員。帕特森博士已發表超過50篇學術文章,主要與網絡安全相關;他是最早的網絡安全教科書之一《數學密碼學》(Mathematical Cryptology);並隨後出版了另外三本書。他是超過35項外部資助的首席研究員,這些資助的總價值超過600萬美元。2006年8月,他被霍華大學借調至美國國家科學基金會,擔任該基金會在發展中國家的國際科學與工程項目經理,並於2017年擔任谷歌(Google)訪問學者。他在多倫多大學(University of Toronto)獲得數學學士和碩士學位,在新不倫瑞克大學(University of New Brunswick)獲得計算機科學碩士學位,在密歇根大學(University of Michigan)獲得數學博士學位。他還曾在普林斯頓大學(Princeton University)和加州大學伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)擔任博士後研究員。
辛西婭·E·溫斯頓-普羅克特博士(Dr. Cynthia E.Winston-Proctor)是一位廣受尊敬且成就卓著的敘事人格心理學家和學者。她是霍華大學心理學教授及身份與成功研究實驗室的首席研究員。她還是溫斯頓協同公司(Winston Synergy LLC)的創始人,這是一家心理學和教育諮詢公司。溫斯頓-普羅克特博士在霍華大學獲得心理學學士學位,並在密歇根大學獲得心理學和教育的博士學位。作為一位傑出的心理學家、研究科學家和教師,溫斯頓-普羅克特博士獲得了國家科學基金會(National Science Foundation)早期職業獎、霍華大學年度教學大綱獎、霍華大學新興學者獎以及布朗大學霍華·休斯醫學研究所研究教授職位。此外,她還當選為個體心理學學會(Society of Personology)成員,該學會是專注於個體生活和整體人格研究的學者發展、保存和推廣理論與研究的最古老且最具影響力的學會。作為一名學者,她在心理學本科教育、行為網絡安全、心理學質性研究、女性健康生活、文化響應性計算思維和非洲祖先教育等多個領域領導課程的開發。她的理論和方法發展為重點的研究和教育學術成果已在多個期刊和編輯書籍中發表,包括《文化與心理學》(Culture & Psychology)、《質性心理學》(Qualitative Psychology)、《青少年研究期刊》(Journal of Research on Adolescence)、《心理學評論》(Psych Critiques)、《兒童與發展的新方向》(New Directions in Childhood & Development)、《牛津文化心理學手冊》(Oxford Handbook of Cultural Psychology)以及《文化、學習與技術:研究與實踐》(Culture, Learning, & Technology: Research and Practice)。溫斯頓-普羅克特博士的專業服務包括擔任美國心理學會《質性心理學期刊》(Journal of Qualitative Psychology)編輯委員會成員、STEM有色女性學會(Society of STEM Women of Color)會長、阿爾弗雷德·哈考特基金會(Alfred Harcourt Foundation)董事會成員,以及霍華大學數學與科學中學董事會顧問。