Combinatorial Scientific Computing

Naumann, Uwe, Schenk, Olaf



Combinatorial Scientific Computing explores the latest research on creating algorithms and software tools to solve key combinatorial problems on large-scale high-performance computing architectures. It includes contributions from international researchers who are pioneers in designing software and applications for high-performance computing systems.








The book offers a state-of-the-art overview of the latest research, tool development, and applications. It focuses on load balancing and parallelization on high-performance computers, large-scale optimization, algorithmic differentiation of numerical simulation code, sparse matrix software tools, and combinatorial challenges and applications in large-scale social networks. The authors unify these seemingly disparate areas through a common set of abstractions and algorithms based on combinatorics, graphs, and hypergraphs.










Combinatorial algorithms have long played a crucial enabling role in scientific and engineering computations and their importance continues to grow with the demands of new applications and advanced architectures. By addressing current challenges in the field, this volume sets the stage for the accelerated development and deployment of fundamental enabling technologies in high-performance scientific computing.








Uwe Naumann is an associate professor of computer science at RWTH Aachen University. Dr. Naumann has published more than 80 peer-reviewed papers and chaired several workshops. His research focuses on algorithmic differentiation, combinatorial graph algorithms, high-performance scientific computing, and the application of corresponding methods to real-world problems in computational science, engineering, and finance.



Olaf Schenk is an associate professor of computer science at the University of Lugano. Dr. Schenk has published more than 70 peer-reviewed book chapters, journal articles, and conference contributions. In 2008, he received an IBM Faculty Award on Cell Processors for Biomedical Hyperthermia Applications. His research interests include algorithmic and architectural problems in computational mathematics, scientific computing, and high-performance computing.




Uwe Naumann是德國亞琛工業大學的計算機科學副教授。Naumann博士已發表了80多篇同行評審的論文,並主持了多個研討會。他的研究重點包括算法微分、組合圖算法、高性能科學計算以及將相應方法應用於計算科學、工程和金融等實際問題。

Olaf Schenk是瑞士盧加諾大學的計算機科學副教授。Schenk博士已發表了70多篇同行評審的專書章節、期刊文章和會議論文。2008年,他因在生物醫學高溫療法應用中的Cell處理器上的算法和架構問題而獲得了IBM教職員獎。他的研究興趣包括計算數學、科學計算和高性能計算中的算法和架構問題。