Wave Optics: Basic Concepts and Contemporary Trends
暫譯: 波動光學:基本概念與當代趨勢

Gupta, Subhasish Dutta, Ghosh, Nirmalya, Banerjee, Ayan




Wave Optics: Basic Concepts and Contemporary Trends combines classical optics with some of the latest developments in the field to provide readers with an appreciation and understanding of advanced research topics. Requiring only a basic knowledge of electromagnetic theory and mathematics, this book:



  • Covers the fundamentals of wave optics, such as oscillations, scalar and vector waves, reflection and refraction, polarization, interference and diffraction, and rays and beams

  • Focuses on concepts related to advances in negative materials and superresolution, reflectionless potentials, plasmonics, spin-orbit interaction, optical tweezers, Pendry lensing, and more

  • Includes MATLAB(R) codes for specific research problems, offering readers a behind-the-scenes look at the computational practices as well as an opportunity to extend the research





Drawing parallels with corresponding quantum problems whenever possible to broaden the horizon and outlook, Wave Optics: Basic Concepts and Contemporary Trends gives readers a taste of what is happening in modern optics today and shows why wave optics remains one of the most interesting and challenging areas of physics.





- 涵蓋波光學的基本原理,如振盪、標量波和向量波、反射與折射、偏振、干涉與衍射,以及光線和光束
- 專注於與負材料和超解析度、無反射勢能、等離子體學、自旋-軌道相互作用、光學捕捉器、Pendry透鏡等相關的概念
- 包含針對特定研究問題的MATLAB(R)程式碼,為讀者提供計算實踐的幕後視角,並提供擴展研究的機會



Subhasish Dutta Gupta joined the School of Physics, University of Hyderabad, India in 1984, having received his education (integrated M.Sc and Ph.D) from Peoples' Friendship University, Moscow. Along with other core subjects, he has been teaching optics-related courses for undergraduate and graduate students for more than three decades. Moreover, he has been actively involved in research on the forefront areas of nonlinear and quantum optics, plasmonics, and nanooptics. He has authored one US patent, more than a hundred papers in peer-reviewed journals, several invited reviews, and book chapters. He has been a visiting faculty member at many reputed institutes on different continents. He served on the editorial board of Pramana-Journal of Physics, and is currently an associate editor of the European Physical Journal-Applied Physics.



Nirmalya Ghosh is a physicist by training with further specialization in nano-optics and biophotonics. He received his Ph.D from Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore, India. Subsequently, he conducted his postdoctoral research in the Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He has also held the position of scientist at RRCAT in the Department of Atomic Energy. He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Physical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata. Dr. Ghosh is the author and co-author of more than 50 papers in peer-reviewed international journals, several book chapters, and a number of invited reviews in the area of optics and photonics. He has been serving as an editorial board member of Scientific Reports.





Ayan Banerjee has been working in the field of optics and spectroscopy for the last 17 years. He obtained his Ph.D in physics from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, following which he was a research scientist at General Electric




Subhasish Dutta Gupta 於1984年加入印度海得拉巴大學物理學院,並在莫斯科人民友誼大學獲得其教育背景(綜合碩士及博士學位)。他在本科及研究生課程中教授與光學相關的課程已超過三十年。此外,他積極參與非線性與量子光學、等離子體學及納米光學等前沿研究。他擁有一項美國專利,發表了超過一百篇同行評審期刊論文,數篇邀請評論及書籍章節。他曾在不同大陸的多所知名機構擔任訪問教職,並曾任《Pramana-Journal of Physics》的編輯委員會成員,目前是《European Physical Journal-Applied Physics》的副編輯。

Nirmalya Ghosh 是一位受過訓練的物理學家,專攻納米光學和生物光子學。他在印度印多爾的拉賈·拉曼納先進技術中心(RRCAT)獲得博士學位。隨後,他在加拿大安大略省多倫多大學醫學生物物理系進行博士後研究。他還曾在原子能部門的RRCAT擔任科學家。目前,他是印度科學教育與研究所(Indian Institute of Science Education and Research)物理科學系的副教授。Ghosh博士是超過50篇國際同行評審期刊論文的作者和合著者,並在光學和光子學領域發表了數篇書籍章節及多篇邀請評論。他一直擔任《Scientific Reports》的編輯委員會成員。

Ayan Banerjee 在光學和光譜學領域工作了17年。他在印度班加羅爾的印度科學研究所獲得物理學博士學位,隨後在通用電氣擔任研究科學家。