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This is a book about the development of dependable, embedded software. It is for systems designers, implementers, and verifiers who are experienced in general embedded software development, but who are now facing the prospect of delivering a software-based system for a safety-critical application. It is aimed at those creating a product that must satisfy one or more of the international standards relating to safety-critical applications, including IEC 61508, ISO 26262, EN 50128, EN 50657, IEC 62304, or related standards.
Of the first edition, Stephen Thomas, PE, Founder and Editor of FunctionalSafetyEngineer.com said, "I highly recommend Mr. Hobbs' book."
這是一本關於可靠的嵌入式軟體開發的書籍。它適合那些在一般嵌入式軟體開發方面有經驗的系統設計師、實施者和驗證者,但現在面臨為安全關鍵應用交付基於軟體的系統的挑戰。這本書的目標讀者是那些創建必須滿足一個或多個與安全關鍵應用相關的國際標準的產品,包括 IEC 61508、ISO 26262、EN 50128、EN 50657、IEC 62304 或相關標準。
在第一版中,FunctionalSafetyEngineer.com 的創始人及編輯 Stephen Thomas, PE 說:「我強烈推薦霍布斯先生的書。」
Chris is a programmer at QNX Software Systems with some 40 years of software development experience. His specialty is
"Sufficiently Dependable Software," which is software that meets its dependability requirements with the minimum development effort
and risk. In particular, he works with software for safety-critical systems that must meet the requirements of international safety
standards such as IEC61508, ISO26262, EN50128 and IEC62304.
Chris 是 QNX Software Systems 的程式設計師,擁有約 40 年的軟體開發經驗。他的專長是「足夠可靠的軟體」(Sufficiently Dependable Software),這是指在最小的開發努力和風險下,滿足其可靠性要求的軟體。特別是,他專注於安全關鍵系統的軟體,這些系統必須符合國際安全標準的要求,例如 IEC61508、ISO26262、EN50128 和 IEC62304。