Calculus, 12/e (Metric Version) (Papperback)

Ron Larson , Bruce H. Edwards

  • 出版商: Cengage Learning
  • 出版日期: 2022-01-01
  • 定價: $1,650
  • 售價: 9.8$1,617
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 1284
  • ISBN: 0357908120
  • ISBN-13: 9780357908129
  • 相關分類: 微積分 Calculus
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)



With a long history of innovation in the market, Larson/Edwards’ Calculus, International Metric Edition has been widely praised by a generation of students and professors for solid and effective pedagogy that addresses the needs of a broad range of teaching and learning styles and environments. This edition clearly presents and effectively demonstrates the concepts and rules of calculus with a student-focused approach. It offers a wealth of learning support and digital resources – all thoroughly updated and refined using proven learning design principles that remove typical barriers to learning to create a carefully planned, inclusive experience for all students.

What's NewFeatures

  • New ‘Big Ideas of Calculus’ notes focus on a deeper understanding of core concepts. Each chapter introduces the overarching or primary ideas behind the chapter's topics and includes a clear summary of key concepts. Conceptual exercises further solidify students' understanding while follow-up exercises demonstrate how to apply the concepts students are learning.
  • New automatically graded proof problems in WebAssign build confidence. These online Proof Problems help develop an understanding of the entire process of writing proofs with carefully crafted practice opportunities and immediate feedback.
  • New expanded problems in WebAssign require students to show work to ensure understanding. These online Expanded Problems go beyond the basic exercises to ask students to show the specific steps of their work or to explain the reasoning behind the answers they have provided.
  • Strong student-focused approach provides clear guidance and learning features. This is enhanced by section-level objectives, clearly stated theorems and definitions, as well as engaging exploration features and helpful remarks.
  • Carefully designed exercise sets offer relevant and rigorous practice. The exercise sets have been extensively examined to ensure they offer an appropriate level of difficulty and relevant content. Conceptual and multi-step questions and real-life exercises reinforce problem-solving skills and mastery of concepts by giving students the opportunity to apply the concepts in real-life situations.
  • Unique ‘How Do You See It?’ exercises provide visually driven practice with concepts. These exercises for each section present a problem that students solve through visual inspection, using the concepts learned from the lesson just completed.
  • Step-by-step solution videos, exercise solutions and other tutorial support are available from, and
  • WebAssign provides online tools to build confidence and elevate performance. WebAssign digital resources provide instant access to expertly designed support for both instructor and students, including additional practice and instructional videos. This high-quality, affordable content offers you both built-in flexibility and control.



Larson/Edwards的《微積分》國際公制版在市場上具有悠久的創新歷史,並因其堅實有效的教學法而受到一代學生和教授的廣泛讚譽,該教學法滿足了廣泛的教學和學習風格和環境的需求。本版以學生為中心的方法清晰地呈現並有效地演示微積分的概念和規則。它提供了豐富的學習支持和數字資源 - 所有這些都經過全面更新和精煉,使用經過驗證的學習設計原則,消除了典型的學習障礙,為所有學生創造了一個精心計劃的包容性體驗。

- 新的「微積分的重要概念」筆記專注於對核心概念的更深入理解。每章介紹了該章節主題背後的整體或主要思想,並包括對關鍵概念的清晰摘要。概念練習進一步鞏固學生的理解,而後續練習則演示了如何應用學生正在學習的概念。
- WebAssign中的新的自動評分證明問題有助於建立信心。這些在線證明問題通過精心設計的練習機會和即時反饋,幫助學生理解寫證明的整個過程。
- WebAssign中的新擴展問題要求學生展示他們的工作以確保理解。這些在線擴展問題超越基本練習,要求學生展示他們工作的具體步驟或解釋他們提供的答案背後的推理。
- 強調學生為中心的方法提供清晰的指導和學習功能。這得益於節級目標、清晰陳述的定理和定義,以及引人入勝的探索功能和有益的備註。
- 精心設計的練習集提供相關且嚴謹的練習。練習集經過廣泛檢查,以確保它們提供適當的難度和相關內容。概念和多步驟問題以及實際生活練習通過讓學生有機會在實際情況中應用概念來加強解決問題的能力和概念的掌握。
- 獨特的「你如何看待它?」練習提供以視覺為基礎的概念練習。每個章節的這些練習通過視覺檢查解決問題,使用剛剛完成的課程中學到的概念。
- WebAssign提供在線工具以建立信心和提升表現。WebAssign數字資源為教師和學生提供即時訪問專業設計的支持,包括額外的練習和教學視頻。這種高質量且價格合理的內容為您提供了內建的靈活性和控制權。


Table Of Contents
P. Preparation for Calculus.
1. Limits and Their Properties.
2. Differentiation.
3. Applications of Differentiation.
4. Integration.
5. Logarithmic, Exponential, and Other Transcendental Functions.
6. Differential Equations.
7. Applications of Integration.
8. Integration Techniques and Improper Integrals.
9. Infinite Series.
10. Conics, Parametric Equations, and Polar Coordinates.
11. Vectors and the Geometry Of Space.
12. Vector-Valued Functions.
13. Functions of Several Variables.
14. Multiple Integration.
15. Vector Analysis.
16. Additional Topics in Differential Equations (Online)*

A. Proofs of Selected Theorems.
B. Integration Tables.
C. Precalculus Review (Online)*
D. Rotation and the General Second-Degree Equation (Online)*.
E. Complex Numbers (Online)*.
F. Business and Economic Applications (Online)*.
G. Fitting Models to Data (Online)*.



P. 微積分的準備。

1. 極限及其性質。

2. 微分。

3. 微分的應用。

4. 積分。

5. 對數、指數和其他超越函數。

6. 微分方程。

7. 積分的應用。

8. 積分技巧和不定積分。

9. 無窮級數。

10. 圓錐曲線、參數方程和極座標。

11. 向量和空間幾何。

12. 向量值函數。

13. 多變數函數。

14. 多重積分。

15. 向量分析。

16. 微分方程的其他主題(線上)*


A. 選定定理的證明。

B. 積分表。

C. 預備課程回顧(線上)*

D. 旋轉和一般二次方程(線上)*。

E. 複數(線上)*。

F. 商業和經濟應用(線上)*。

G. 擬合模型到數據(線上)*。