Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++, 2/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 程式設計:使用 C++ 的原則與實踐(第二版,平裝本)

Bjarne Stroustrup



An Introduction to Programming by the Inventor of C++


Preparation for Programming in the Real World

The book assumes that you aim eventually to write non-trivial programs, whether for work in software development or in some other technical field.


Focus on Fundamental Concepts and Techniques

The book explains fundamental concepts and techniques in greater depth than traditional introductions. This approach will give you a solid foundation for writing useful, correct, maintainable, and efficient code.


Programming with Today’s C++ (C++11 and C++14)

The book is an introduction to programming in general, including object-oriented programming and generic programming. It is also a solid introduction to the C++ programming language, one of the most widely used languages for real-world software. The book presents modern C++ programming techniques from the start,

introducing the C++ standard library and C++11 and C++14 features to simplify programming tasks.


For Beginners—And Anyone Who Wants to Learn Something New

The book is primarily designed for people who have never programmed before, and it has been tested with many thousands of first-year university students. It has also been extensively used for self-study. Also, practitioners and advanced students have gained new insight and guidance by seeing how a master approaches the elements of his art.


Provides a Broad View

The first half of the book covers a wide range of essential concepts, design and programming techniques, language features, and libraries. Those will enable you to write programs involving input, output, computation, and simple graphics. The second half explores more specialized topics (such as text processing, testing, and the C programming language) and provides abundant reference material. Source code and support supplements are available from the author’s website.



由 C++ 發明者撰寫的程式設計入門








使用當今的 C++ (C++11 和 C++14) 進行程式設計

本書是對程式設計的一般介紹,包括物件導向程式設計和泛型程式設計。它也是對 C++ 程式語言的堅實介紹,C++ 是現實世界軟體中最廣泛使用的語言之一。本書從一開始就介紹現代 C++ 程式設計技術,介紹 C++ 標準庫以及 C++11 和 C++14 的特性,以簡化程式設計任務。






本書的前半部分涵蓋了廣泛的基本概念、設計和程式設計技術、語言特性和庫。這些將使您能夠撰寫涉及輸入、輸出、計算和簡單圖形的程式。後半部分探討更專門的主題(如文本處理、測試和 C 程式語言),並提供豐富的參考資料。源代碼和支援補充材料可從作者的網站獲得。