Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Paperback)
暫譯: 艱難學習C語言:你一直避免的計算主題實用練習(如C語言)(平裝本)
Zed A. Shaw
- 出版商: Addison Wesley
- 出版日期: 2015-09-14
- 定價: $1,500
- 售價: 9.0 折 $1,350
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 384
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 0321884922
- ISBN-13: 9780321884923
C 程式語言
笨辦法學 C語言 (Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding) (簡中版)
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You Will Learn C!
Zed Shaw has crafted the perfect course for the beginning C programmer eager to advance their skills in any language. Follow it and you will learn the many skills early and junior programmers need to succeed–just like the hundreds of thousands of programmers Zed has taught to date! You bring discipline, commitment, persistence, and experience with any programming language; the author supplies everything else.
In Learn C the Hard Way , you’ll learn C by working through 52 brilliantly crafted exercises. Watch Zed Shaw’s teaching video and read the exercise. Type his code precisely. (No copying and pasting!) Fix your mistakes. Watch the programs run. As you do, you’ll learn what good, modern C programs look like; how to think more effectively about code; and how to find and fix mistakes far more efficiently. Most importantly, you’ll master rigorous defensive programming techniques, so you can use any language to create software that protects itself from malicious activity and defects.
Through practical projects you’ll apply what you learn to build confidence in your new skills. Shaw teaches the key skills you need to start writing excellent C software, including
- Setting up a C environment
- Basic syntax and idioms
- Compilation, make files, and linkers
- Operators, variables, and data types
- Program control
- Arrays and strings
- Functions, pointers, and structs
- Memory allocation
- I/O and files
- Libraries
- Data structures, including linked lists, sort, and search
- Stacks and queues
- Debugging, defensive coding, and automated testing
- Fixing stack overflows, illegal memory access, and more
- Breaking and hacking your own C code
It’ll Be Hard at First. But Soon, You’ll Just Get It–And That Will Feel Great!
This tutorial will reward you for every minute you put into it. Soon, you’ll know one of the world’s most powerful programming languages. You’ll be a C programmer.
Watch Zed, too! The accompanying DVD contains 5+ hours of passionate, powerful teaching: a complete C video course! If you purchase the digital edition, be sure to read "Where Are the Companion Content Files" at the end of the eBook to learn how to access the videos.
你將學會 C!
Zed Shaw 為渴望提升技能的初學 C 程式設計師精心設計了完美的課程。跟隨這個課程,你將學會早期和初級程式設計師成功所需的多項技能——就像 Zed 到目前為止教過的數十萬名程式設計師一樣!你需要帶來紀律、承諾、堅持和任何程式語言的經驗;作者則提供其他一切。
在《Learn C the Hard Way》中,你將通過 52 個精心設計的練習來學習 C。觀看 Zed Shaw 的教學視頻並閱讀練習內容。準確地輸入他的程式碼。(不可以複製和粘貼!)修正你的錯誤。觀察程式運行。隨著這些過程,你將學會現代 C 程式的良好範例;如何更有效地思考程式碼;以及如何更高效地找到和修正錯誤。最重要的是,你將掌握嚴謹的防禦性程式設計技術,這樣你就可以使用任何語言創建能夠自我保護的軟體,抵禦惡意活動和缺陷。
通過實際專案,你將應用所學,建立對新技能的信心。Shaw 教授你開始撰寫優秀 C 軟體所需的關鍵技能,包括:
- 設置 C 環境
- 基本語法和慣用法
- 編譯、make 檔案和連結器
- 運算子、變數和資料類型
- 程式控制
- 陣列和字串
- 函數、指標和結構
- 記憶體分配
- 輸入/輸出和檔案
- 函式庫
- 資料結構,包括鏈結串列、排序和搜尋
- 堆疊和佇列
- 除錯、防禦性編碼和自動化測試
- 修正堆疊溢位、非法記憶體存取等問題
- 破解和駭入自己的 C 程式碼
這個教程將為你投入的每一分鐘帶來回報。不久後,你將掌握世界上最強大的程式語言之一。你將成為一名 C 程式設計師。
也別忘了觀看 Zed!隨附的 DVD 包含超過 5 小時的熱情、強大的教學:一整套 C 視頻課程!如果你購買數位版,請務必在電子書的最後閱讀「伴隨內容檔案在哪裡」,以了解如何訪問視頻。