Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics, and Kinetics (Hardcover)(美國原版)
暫譯: 物理化學:熱力學、統計力學與動力學(精裝版)(美國原版)

Andrew Cooksy


Andrew Cooksy’s clear teaching voice help students connect immediately with the subject matter while defusing some of their initial trepidation about physical chemistry. Through lively narrative and meticulous explanations of mathematical derivations, Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics, and Kinetics engages students while fostering a sincere appreciation for the interrelationship between the theoretical and mathematical reasoning that underlies the study of physical chemistry. The author’s engaging presentation style and careful explanations make even the most sophisticated concepts and mathematical details clear and comprehensible.  


安德魯·庫克西(Andrew Cooksy)清晰的教學聲音幫助學生立即與物理化學的主題建立聯繫,同時緩解了他們對物理化學的初步畏懼。通過生動的敘述和對數學推導的細緻解釋,物理化學:熱力學、統計力學與動力學吸引學生的同時,培養他們對於物理化學研究中理論與數學推理之間相互關係的真摯欣賞。作者引人入勝的呈現風格和細心的解釋使得即使是最複雜的概念和數學細節也變得清晰易懂。