A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory, 4/e (IE-Paperback)
暫譯: 友善的數論入門(第4版,IE-平裝本)
Joseph H. Silverman
- 出版商: Prentice Hall
- 售價: $1,300
- 貴賓價: 9.8 折 $1,274
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 432
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 0321782364
- ISBN-13: 9780321782366
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$1,323Introductory Statistics, 3/e (Hardcover)
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Flowchart of Chapter Dependencies
1. What Is Number Theory?
2. Pythagorean Triples
3. Pythagorean Triples and the Unit Circle
4. Sums of Higher Powers and Fermat’s Last Theorem
5. Divisibility and the Greatest Common Divisor
6. Linear Equations and the Greatest Common Divisor
7. Factorization and the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
8. Congruences
9. Congruences, Powers, and Fermat’s Little Theorem
10. Congruences, Powers, and Euler’s Formula
11. Euler’s Phi Function and the Chinese Remainder Theorem
12. Prime Numbers
13. Counting Primes
14. Mersenne Primes
15. Mersenne Primes and Perfect Numbers
16. Powers Modulo m and Successive Squaring
17. Computing kth Roots Modulo m
18. Powers, Roots, and “Unbreakable” Codes
19. Primality Testing and Carmichael Numbers
20. Squares Modulo p
21. Is -1 a Square Modulo p? Is 2?
22. Quadratic Reciprocity
23. Proof of Quadratic Reciprocity
24. Which Primes Are Sums of Two Squares?
25. Which Numbers Are Sums of Two Squares?
26. As Easy as One, Two, Three
27. Euler’s Phi Function and Sums of Divisors
28. Powers Modulo p and Primitive Roots
29. Primitive Roots and Indices
30. The Equation X4 + Y4 = Z4
31. Square–Triangular Numbers Revisited
32. Pell’s Equation
33. Diophantine Approximation
34. Diophantine Approximation and Pell’s Equation
35. Number Theory and Imaginary Numbers
36. The Gaussian Integers and Unique Factorization
37. Irrational Numbers and Transcendental Numbers
38. Binomial Coefficients and Pascal’s Triangle
39. Fibonacci’s Rabbits and Linear Recurrence Sequences
40. Oh, What a Beautiful Function
41. Cubic Curves and Elliptic Curves
42. Elliptic Curves with Few Rational Points
43. Points on Elliptic Curves Modulo p
44. Torsion Collections Modulo p and Bad Primes
45. Defect Bounds and Modularity Patterns
46. Elliptic Curves and Fermat’s Last Theorem
Further Reading
*47. The Topsy-Turvey World of Continued Fractions [online]
*48. Continued Fractions, Square Roots, and Pell’s Equation [online]
*49. Generating Functions [online]
*50. Sums of Powers [online]
*A. Factorization of Small Composite Integers [online]
*B. A List of Primes [online]
- 前言
- 章節依賴流程圖
- 介紹
- 1. 數論是什麼?
- 2. 畢氏三元組
- 3. 畢氏三元組與單位圓
- 4. 高次方的和與費馬最後定理
- 5. 可除性與最大公因數
- 6. 線性方程與最大公因數
- 7. 因式分解與算術基本定理
- 8. 同餘
- 9. 同餘、冪與費馬小定理
- 10. 同餘、冪與歐拉公式
- 11. 歐拉的φ函數與中國剩餘定理
- 12. 質數
- 13. 計算質數
- 14. 梅森質數
- 15. 梅森質數與完美數
- 16. 模的冪與連續平方
- 17. 計算模的kth根
- 18. 冪、根與「無法破解」的密碼
- 19. 質性測試與卡邁克爾數
- 20. 模
- 21. -1是模
- 22. 二次互反律
- 23. 二次互反律的證明
- 24. 哪些質數是兩個平方的和?
- 25. 哪些數是兩個平方的和?
- 26. 如同一、二、三般簡單
- 27. 歐拉的φ函數與因數和
- 28. 模
- 29. 原根與指數
- 30. 方程X4 + Y4 = Z4
- 31. 平方-三角數的再探討
- 32. 佩爾方程
- 33. 迪奧方程的近似
- 34. 迪奧方程的近似與佩爾方程
- 35. 數論與虛數
- 36. 高斯整數與唯一分解
- 37. 無理數與超越數
- 38. 二項係數與帕斯卡三角形
- 39. 費波那契的兔子與線性遞歸序列
- 40. 哦,何等美妙的函數
- 41. 三次曲線與橢圓曲線
- 42. 具有少量有理點的橢圓曲線
- 43. 模
- 44. 模
- 45. 缺陷界限與模性模式
- 46. 橢圓曲線與費馬最後定理
- 進一步閱讀
- 索引
- *47. 連分數的顛倒世界 [線上]
- *48. 連分數