Black and White: From Snapshots to Great Shots
暫譯: 黑白攝影:從快照到佳作
John Batdorff
- 出版商: Peachpit Press
- 出版日期: 2011-07-30
- 售價: $1,190
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $1,131
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 240
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 0321774574
- ISBN-13: 9780321774576
Now that you’ve bought that amazing new DSLR, you need a book that goes beyond the camera manual to capture stunning images. For digital photographers interested in black and white, this guide will help beginning- and intermediate-level shooters conquer the fundamentals and take amazing shots.
Pro photographer John Batdorff starts with the basics, including composition, light, contrast, exposure, and when to choose black and white. He covers all the key camera features (regardless of what type of DSLR you have) that affect your image, including the shutter speed’s ability to freeze and convey motion, and the aperture’s direct correlation with depth of field.
Once you’ve captured those great shots, John takes you step by step through the color conversion process to black and white in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom using simple presets. He also covers the enhancements and features that can be added using Nik Silver Efex Pro software–from presets to control points using U-Point Technology.
Follow along with your friendly and knowledgeable guide and you will:
- Learn to see in black and white by understanding contrast, texture, and lighting
- Understand all the best tricks and techniques for getting great black and white action shots, landscapes, and portraits
- Create your own digital workflow by understanding the basics of post processing in Lightroom, then go beyond the basics with Nik Silver Efex Pro
- Share your images and learn tips on printing and presenting your work online
And once you've got the shot, show it off! Join the book's Flickr group, share your photos, and discuss how you use your camera to get great black and white shots at fromsnapshotstogreatshots.
專業攝影師約翰·巴特多夫(John Batdorff)從基礎開始,包括構圖、光線、對比、曝光,以及何時選擇黑白。他涵蓋了所有影響影像的關鍵相機功能(無論您擁有什麼類型的DSLR),包括快門速度在凍結和傳達運動方面的能力,以及光圈與景深之間的直接關聯。
一旦您捕捉到了那些精彩的照片,約翰將逐步帶您通過Adobe Photoshop Lightroom中的顏色轉換過程,將照片轉換為黑白,使用簡單的預設。他還介紹了使用Nik Silver Efex Pro軟體可以添加的增強功能和特性——從預設到使用U-Point技術的控制點。
- 通過理解對比、質感和光線來學會以黑白視覺觀察
- 理解獲得精彩黑白動作照片、風景和肖像的最佳技巧和技術
- 通過理解Lightroom中的後期處理基礎來創建自己的數位工作流程,然後使用Nik Silver Efex Pro超越基礎
- 分享您的影像並學習有關打印和在線展示作品的技巧
一旦您拍攝到了精彩的照片,別忘了展示出來!加入本書的Flickr小組,分享您的照片,並討論您如何使用相機拍攝出精彩的黑白照片,網址為 fromsnapshotstogreatshots。