Return on Software: Maximizing the Return on Your Software Investment(paper) (軟體回報:最大化您的軟體投資回報)

Steve Tockey




"This pioneering book highlights critical, overlooked skills needed by true software professionals." Steve McConnell CEO and Chief Software Engineering Construx Software "It's about time someone took this stuff seriously." Steven Mellor Chief Scientist Embedded Systems Division Mentor Graphics Corporation Co-Author of Exploring the Role of Executable UML in Model-Driven Architecture and six other books "Despite the fact that engineering economics is considered a core area of any engineering field, virtually no books have been written in the area of software engineering economics. Steve Tockey's Return on Software nicely fills this gaps by providing a comprehensive introduction to software engineering economics accessible both to students and to new software professionals." Donald J. Bagert, Ph.D., P.E.Director of Software Engineering and Professor of Computer Science & Software Engineering Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology "The elements of this book are useful not only in making decisions but also in understanding why and how other people and organizations make decisions" Shari Lawrence Pfleeger Senior Researcher, RAND Co-author of Security in Computing and eight other software engineering titles "This just what the doctor ordered to help software programs solve the problem of how to introduce engineering economics and business decision-making into their curricula. The economics of software development should not only be part of any computing curriculum they are an essential element of recent accreditation and certification recommendations. This book is an accessible and relevant text for any student of software engineering. The style is clear and straightforward and the software examples will be appealing to students and faculty alike. I can't wait to use it in class!" Thomas B.Hilburn, Professor Department of Computer and Software Engineering Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Is your organization maximizing the return on its investments of money, time, and personnel? Probably not, because most software professionals don't know how to consider the business aspects of their software decisions. Most don't even know that it's important to do so. Business consequences should play a critical role in all software technical choices--from choosing which projects to do, selecting software development processes, choosing algorithms and data structures, all the way to determining how much testing is enough. Return on Software: Maximizing the Return on Your Software Investment is about making choices: software technical choices in a business context. It helps software professionals appreciate the business consequences of the decisions they make. This primer will prove a valuable reference for making the important decisions the typical software organization faces both today and down the road. Inside, you'll learn how to: * Estimate how much each proposed software technical decision will cost, and how much it will return.* Weigh the time frames for a software decision's costs and benefits against each other to reveal when there might be a more important factor than schedule. *Attach a value to quality and produce a rational answer to the question, "How much testing is enough?" * Account for risk and uncertainty in software technical decisions, such as when considering a new technology. * Communicate your decisions in a way that speaks to the all-important bottom line. Each chapter contains a set of self-study questions designed to help you apply the featured concepts and techniques. An enhanced online index allows you to quickly and easily search the entire text for specific topics.


這本開創性的書籍強調了真正的軟體專業人員所需的關鍵但常被忽視的技能。 Steve McConnell Construx Software 的 CEO 和首席軟體工程師說:「終於有人認真對待這些事情了。」Steven Mellor Mentor Graphics Corporation 嵌入式系統部門的首席科學家,也是《Exploring the Role of Executable UML in Model-Driven Architecture》等六本書的合著者說:「儘管工程經濟學被認為是任何工程領域的核心領域,但在軟體工程經濟學領域幾乎沒有寫書。Steve Tockey 的《Return on Software》填補了這一空白,為學生和新的軟體專業人員提供了一個全面介紹軟體工程經濟學的入門指南。」Donald J. Bagert, Ph.D., P.E. 是 Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 的軟體工程和計算機科學教授,也是軟體工程和計算機科學的軟體工程學院的軟體工程和計算機科學教授,他說:「這本書的內容不僅對於做出決策有用,而且還有助於理解其他人和組織為什麼以及如何做出決策。」Shari Lawrence Pfleeger 是 RAND 的高級研究員,也是《Security in Computing》等八本軟體工程書籍的合著者。Thomas B.Hilburn 是 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 的計算機和軟體工程系教授,他說:「這本書正是軟體專業人員解決如何將工程經濟學和商業決策納入課程的良方。軟體開發的經濟學不僅應該是任何計算機課程的一部分,它們還是最近的認證和認證建議的重要元素。這本書對於任何軟體工程學生來說都是一本易於理解且相關的教材。風格清晰直接,軟體示例對學生和教職員都很吸引人。我迫不及待地想在課堂上使用它!」你的組織是否充分利用了金錢、時間和人力投資的回報?很可能沒有,因為大多數軟體專業人員不知道如何考慮軟體決策的商業方面。大多數人甚至不知道這是重要的。商業後果應該在所有軟體技術選擇中起到關鍵作用,從選擇要做哪些項目,選擇軟體開發流程,選擇算法和數據結構,一直到確定多少測試足夠。《Return on Software: Maximizing the Return on Your Software Investment》是關於在商業背景下做出軟體技術選擇的選擇。它幫助軟體專業人員了解他們所做決策的商業後果。這本入門指南將成為典型軟體組織今天和未來面臨的重要決策的有價值的參考資料。在書中,你將學習如何:*估計每個提議的軟體技術決策將花費多少,以及它將回報多少。*將軟體決策的成本和效益的時間框架相互比較,以揭示何時可能有比進度更重要的因素。*為質量賦值,並對問題「多少測試足夠?」給出合理答案。*在考慮新技術時,考慮軟體技術決策中的風險和不確定性。*以對重要的底線有影響的方式傳達你的決策。每章都包含一組自學問題,旨在幫助你應用所介紹的概念和技術。增強版的線上索引讓你可以快速輕鬆地搜索整本書的特定主題。