Effective Perl Programming: Ways to Write Better, More Idiomatic Perl, 2/e (Paperback)

Joseph N. Hall, Joshua A. McAdams, brian d foy




The Classic Guide to Solving Real-World Problems with Perl—Now Fully Updated for Today’s Best Idioms!


For years, experienced programmers have relied on Effective Perl Programming to discover better ways to solve problems with Perl. Now, in this long-awaited second edition, three renowned Perl programmers bring together today’s best idioms, techniques, and examples: everything you need to write more powerful, fluent, expressive, and succinct code with Perl.


Nearly twice the size of the first edition, Effective Perl Programming, Second Edition, offers everything from rules of thumb to avoid common pitfalls to the latest wisdom for using Perl modules. You won’t just learn the right ways to use Perl: You’ll learn why these approaches work so well.


New coverage in this edition includes


  • Reorganized and expanded material spanning twelve years of Perl evolution
  • Eight new chapters on CPAN, databases, distributions, files and filehandles, production Perl, testing, Unicode, and warnings
  • Updates for Perl 5.12, the latest version of Perl
  • Systematically updated examples reflecting today’s best idioms


You’ll learn how to work with strings, numbers, lists, arrays, strictures, namespaces, regular expressions, subroutines, references, distributions, inline code, warnings, Perl::Tidy, data munging, Perl one-liners, and a whole lot more. Every technique is organized in the same Items format that helped make the first edition so convenient and popular.


《有效的 Perl 程式設計:解決現實世界問題的經典指南 — 現已全面更新,適用於當今最佳慣用語法!》

多年來,有經驗的程式設計師一直依賴《有效的 Perl 程式設計》來尋找使用 Perl 解決問題的更好方法。現在,在這個期待已久的第二版中,三位著名的 Perl 程式設計師匯集了當今最佳的慣用語法、技巧和範例:這是您寫出更強大、流暢、表達力強和簡潔的 Perl 程式碼所需的一切。

第二版的內容幾乎是第一版的兩倍大,從避免常見陷阱的經驗法則到使用 Perl 模組的最新智慧,應有盡有。您不僅會學到正確使用 Perl 的方法,還會了解為什麼這些方法如此有效。


- 經過重新組織和擴充的材料,涵蓋了十二年的 Perl 演進
- 八個新章節,包括 CPAN、資料庫、發行版、檔案和檔案處理、生產環境 Perl、測試、Unicode 和警告
- 適用於 Perl 5.12 的更新內容,這是 Perl 的最新版本
- 系統性更新的範例,反映了當今最佳的慣用語法

您將學習如何處理字串、數字、清單、陣列、嚴格模式、命名空間、正規表達式、子程序、參考、發行版、內嵌程式碼、警告、Perl::Tidy、資料整理、Perl 一行指令等等。每個技巧都以與第一版一樣的項目格式組織,這也是第一版如此方便和受歡迎的原因。