Teach What You Know: A Practical Leader's Guide to Knowledge Transfer Using Peer Mentoring
暫譯: 教你所知:實用領導者的知識轉移指南,利用同儕輔導

Steve Trautman



Every organization relies on internal subject matter experts (the peer mentors) to teach what they know to new hires and other team members (the apprentices). This book is the first comprehensive, how-to manual that provides peer mentors, apprentices, and the people who manage them a process and toolset for getting each other up to speed. The checklists, templates, questions, and step by step procedures help organize knowledge into manageable chunks, teach it, and ensure it's received as intended, all while the peer mentor manages the pressures of a full workload. The ideas in the book improve communication and reduce frustration between all players by helping to clarify expectations in the plainest language possible. Author Steve Trautman first developed Peer Mentoring for engineers at Microsoft more than 15 years ago and has since presented the ideas to thousands of people from every type of organization. The universal truths that the book addresses translate easily from software development, to manufacturing to sales to social work. The Practical Leader's Guide to Knowledge Transfer is for anyone working in a fast paced, no-nonsense environment where rapid growth or sudden transition means employees must assimilate new knowledge fast.


每個組織都依賴內部的專業知識專家(同儕導師)來教導他們所知道的知識給新進員工和其他團隊成員(學徒)。這本書是第一本全面的實用手冊,為同儕導師、學徒以及管理他們的人提供了一個流程和工具集,以便彼此快速上手。檢查清單、範本、問題和逐步程序幫助將知識組織成可管理的部分,進行教學,並確保知識如預期般被接收,同時同儕導師還需管理繁重的工作壓力。書中的理念改善了所有參與者之間的溝通,並通過幫助澄清期望,以最簡單的語言減少挫折感。作者 Steve Trautman 在15年前首次為微軟的工程師開發了同儕導師制度,並自此向來自各類組織的數千人介紹這些理念。這本書所探討的普遍真理可以輕易地從軟體開發轉換到製造、銷售和社會工作。《實用領導者的知識轉移指南》適合在快速變化、務實的環境中工作的人,因為在這樣的環境中,快速增長或突如其來的轉變意味著員工必須迅速吸收新知識。