Adobe After Effects 7.0 Studio Techniques
暫譯: Adobe After Effects 7.0 實務技巧

Mark Christiansen

  • 出版商: Adobe Press
  • 出版日期: 2006-05-28
  • 售價: $2,380
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,261
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 576
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0321385527
  • ISBN-13: 9780321385529
  • 相關分類: After Effects
  • 已絕版




Ready to learn the visual effects techniques used at such leading-edge studios as Industrial Light + Magic and The Orphanage? Adobe After Effects 7.0 Studio Techniques inspires you to take your work to the next level with real-world examples and insider techniques. With this under-the-hood, in-depth guide to Adobe's updated motion graphics and effects powerhouse, you'll get complete coverage of all the big features in After Effects 7.0: High dynamic range (HDR) 32 bit per channel color compositing, cinema preview and color management, a redesigned user interface, a new Graph Editor to animate using explicit translation curves, retiming effects using Timewarp, and dozens of other enhancements. Get blockbuster results without the big budget as you delve deep into the essence of visual effects. This book goes beyond conventional step-by-step instruction, teaching you bread-and-butter effects that you can adapt and combine for countless projects. 

  • Real solutions from real professionals: learn the techniques and approach used to create shots for big-budget special effects films.
  • Compositing essentials: No matter how sophisticated the effect, they all begin with the same building blocks. Find out what you've been missing about color and light matching, keying, motion tracking, rotoscoping, working with film, and more.
  •  Advanced techniques: Your goal should be effects so good that no one notices them. From sky replacement to explosions, from smoke to fire, learn to bring your shots to life and enhance scenes without anyone ever knowing what they're seeing isn't 100% real.
  • Companion CD-ROM: Professional tools produce professional results. The book’s companion disc includes plenty of sample projects including HD footage from Pixel Corps and the Artbeats Digital Film Library, as well as more than a dozen plug-ins and programs that you can use to build up and customize your own effects.



Table of Contents


Section I: Working Foundations

1 7.0 UI Primer
2 The Timeline and Animation
3 Selections: The Key to Compositing
4 Optimizing Your Projects

Section II: Effects Compositing Essentials

5 Color and Light: Adjusting and Matching
6 Color Keying
7 Rotoscoping and Paint
8 Effective Motion Tracking
9 Virtual Cinematography
10 Expressions
11 Film, HDR, and 32-Bit Compositing

Section III: Creative Explorations

12 Working with Light
13 Climate: Air, Water, Smoke, Clouds
14 Pyrotechnics: Fire, Explosions, Energy Phenomena
15 Learning to See 



準備好學習在如工業光魔(Industrial Light + Magic)和孤兒院(The Orphanage)等尖端工作室中使用的視覺特效技術了嗎?《Adobe After Effects 7.0 Studio Techniques》激勵您透過真實案例和內部技術將您的作品提升到新水平。這本深入的指南將帶您了解Adobe更新的動態圖形和特效強大工具,全面涵蓋After Effects 7.0中的所有重要功能:高動態範圍(HDR)每通道32位元顏色合成、電影預覽和顏色管理、重新設計的使用者介面、新的圖形編輯器以使用顯式平移曲線進行動畫、使用Timewarp重新定時效果,以及其他數十項增強功能。深入探索視覺特效的本質,無需大預算即可獲得驚人的效果。本書超越傳統的逐步指導,教您可以適應和結合的基本特效,適用於無數項目。

- 來自專業人士的真實解決方案:學習用於創建大預算特效電影鏡頭的技術和方法。
- 合成基礎:無論效果多麼複雜,它們都始於相同的基本構建塊。了解您在顏色和光線匹配、鍵控、運動追蹤、逐幀動畫、與電影合作等方面所缺失的知識。
- 進階技術:您的目標應該是效果好到沒有人注意到它們的存在。從天空替換到爆炸,從煙霧到火焰,學習如何讓您的鏡頭栩栩如生,增強場景而不讓任何人知道他們所看到的並不完全真實。
- 附贈CD-ROM:專業工具產生專業結果。本書的附贈光碟包含大量範例項目,包括來自Pixel Corps和Artbeats數位影像庫的HD素材,以及十多個插件和程序,您可以用來建立和自訂自己的特效。




1 7.0 使用者介面入門
2 時間軸與動畫
3 選擇:合成的關鍵
4 優化您的項目


5 顏色與光線:調整與匹配
6 顏色鍵控
7 逐幀動畫與繪畫
8 有效的運動追蹤
9 虛擬攝影
10 表達式
11 影片、HDR與32位元合成


12 與光線合作
13 氣候:空氣、水、煙霧、雲
14 煙火:火焰、爆炸、能量現象
15 學習觀察