C# Concisely

Judith Bishop, Nigel Horspool

  • 出版商: Addison Wesley
  • 出版日期: 2003-09-03
  • 售價: $931
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 472
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0321154185
  • ISBN-13: 9780321154187
  • 相關分類: C#
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約5~7天)




C# is an object-oriented, network-enabled programming language, developed expressly for Microsoft's .NET platform. C# and the associated class libraries provide the features that are the most important to programmers: object-orientation, graphics, GUI components, internet-based client-server networking and distributed computing.

C# Concisely is an introductory text which teaches object-oriented programming using the C# language. The reader is involved in object-orientation from the beginning, while developing skills in the use of control structures and data structures. The book covers nearly all of the language and its important namespaces, including collections and networking, and works through polymorphism and extensibility in depth.

While targeted at first year students, C# Concisely is equally applicable for those wishing to convert from other languages, and will be an invaluable resource for students at all levels. Judith Bishop is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, and author of several best-selling books on programming. Nigel Horspool is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Victoria in Canada. Both authors serve on grant awarding bodies, and have spent sabbatical leaves at IBM, Microsoft and universities in several countries.

Table of Contents


C# - where from and where to.

Outline of the book.

Our approach.

The Views system.


List of Figures.

List of Examples.

1. Introduction.


The role of programming languages.

About compilation.

Interactive development environments.

Getting started with C#.

2. Using objects.

Introduction to objects.

Members of objects.

The structure of a program.

Strings, output and formatting.

Variables, assignment and input.

Understanding C# APIs.

3. Inside Objects.

The structure of a type.

Fields and properties.

Numeric types.


Simple loops.

Output formatting.

Methods and parameters.

Case Study 1 - Phone bill comparison.

4. Controls and Arrays.

Boolean expressions.

Selection statements.

Repetition statements.

Simple arrays.

Strings and characters.

Additional selection statements.

Case study 2 - The Rock-Paper-Scissors game.

5. Graphical User Interfaces with Views.

Graphical user interfaces.

Elements of a GUI.

Introduction to Views.

Views layout.

Views control.

Views Methodology Advanced uses of Views.

Case study 3 - The supermarket till.

6. Exceptions and Debugging.


Exception handling.


Using a debugger program.

7. Files and Streams.

Files and streams.

Streams for output.

Streams for input.

File processing as a design pattern.

Files in Views.

8. Collections.

More about classes.


Arrays as collections.

Sorted lists .

Case study 4 - Training schedules.

9. Polymorphism and Inheritance.

Objects in a changing world.

Interfaces for polymorphism.

Extensibility with inheritance.

Case study 5 - Enhancing the StarLords Serialization.

10. Graphics and Networking.

Graphics interfaces.

Simple graphics features.


Animation with threads.


Case Study 6 - an ATM client-server system.

Appendix A. List of forms.

Appendix B. Keywords and operators.


Operators and punctuators.

Appendix C. Formatters.

Format specification.

Number format specifiers.

Customizing number formatters.

DateTime formatters.

Appendix D. Unicode.

Inputting Unicode character.

Selected characters.

Appendix E. Useful namespaces.

The .NET framework class library.

Usage of the namespaces.

Appendix F. The Views.Form class.

Creating Forms with Views.

Syntax of specifications for Views.Form.

Grouping tags.

Control tags.

Attribute values.

Views.Form methods.

Recommended coding style.

Use of the indexer operation.

Appendix G. Debugging with Windows.


The cordbg debugger.

The Just-In-Time debugger.

The Visual Studio debugger.
