Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, 4/e (IE-Paperback)
暫譯: C++中的資料結構與演算法分析(第4版)
by Mark A. Weiss
- 出版商: Addison Wesley
- 定價: $1,100
- 售價: 9.8 折 $1,078
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 656
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 0273769383
- ISBN-13: 9780273769385
C++ 程式語言、Algorithms-data-structures
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•This text is designed to teach students good programming and algorithm analysis skills simultaneously so that they can develop intricate programs with the maximum amount of efficiency.
•By analyzing an algorithm before it is actually coded, students can decide if a particular solution will be feasible and see how careful implementations can reduce the time constraint for large amounts of data. No algorithm or data structure is presented without an explanation of its running time.
•This book is suitable for either an advanced data structures (CS7) course or a first-year graduate course in algorithm analysis. As introductory sequences expand from two to three courses, this book is ideal at the end of the third course, bridging the way to the Algorithms course.
•Discussion of algorithm and design techniques covers greedy algorithms, divide and conquer algorithms, dynamic programming, randomized algorithms, and backtracking.
•Covers topics and data structures such as Fibonacci heaps, skew heaps, binomial queue, skip lists and splay trees.
•A full chapter on amortized analysis examines the advanced data structures presented earlier in the book.
•Chapter on advanced data structures and their implementation covers red black trees, top down splay trees, k-d trees, pairing heaps, and more.
•End-of-chapter exercises, ranked by difficulty, reinforce the material from the chapter while providing readers an opportunity to put those concepts into practice.
New To This Edition
The fourth edition incorporates numerous bug fixes, and many parts of the book have undergone revision to increase the clarity of presentation. In addition,
•Chapter 4 includes implementation of the AVL tree deletion algorithm–a topic often requested by readers.
•Chapter 5 has been extensively revised and enlarged and now contains material on two newer algorithms: cuckoo hashing and hopscotch hashing. Additionally, a new section on universal hashing has been added. Also new is a brief discussion of the unordered_set and unordered_map class templates introduced in C++11.
•Chapter 6 is mostly unchanged; however, the implementation of the binary heap makes use of move operations that were introduced in C++11.
•Chapter 7 now contains material on radix sort, and a new section on lower-bound proofs has been added. Sorting code makes use of move operations that were introduced in C++11.
•Chapter 8 uses the new union/find analysis by Seidel and Sharir and shows the O( M α(M,N) ) bound instead of the weaker O( Mlog∗ N ) bound in prior editions.
•Chapter 12 adds material on suffix trees and suffix arrays, including the linear-time suffix array construction algorithm by Karkkainen and Sanders (with implementation). The sections covering deterministic skip lists and AA-trees have been removed.
•Throughout the text, the code has been updated to use C++11. Notably, this means use of the new C++11 features, including the auto keyword, the range for loop, move construction and assignment, and uniform initialization.
Mark Allen Weiss is Professor and Associate Director for the School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University. He is also currently serving as both Director of Undergraduate Studies and Director of Graduate Studies. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Cooper Union in 1983, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Princeton University in 1987, working under Bob Sedgewick. He has been at FIU since 1987 and was promoted to Professor in 1996. His interests include data structures, algorithms, and education. He is most well-known for his highly-acclaimed Data Structures textbooks, which have been used for a generation by roughly a million students.
Professor Weiss is the author of numerous publications in top-rated journals and was recipient of the University’s Excellence in Research Award in 1994. In 1996 at FIU he was the first in the world to teach Data Structures using the Java programming language, which is now the de facto standard. From 1997-2004 he served as a member of the Advanced Placement Computer Science Development Committee, chairing the committee from 2000-2004. The committee designed the curriculum and wrote the AP exams that were taken by 20,000 high school students annually.
In addition to his Research Award in 1994, Professor Weiss is also the recipient of the University’s Excellence in Teaching Award in 1999 and the School of Computing and Information Science Excellence in Teaching Award (2005) and Excellence in Service Award (2007).
Chapter 1 Programming: A General Overview
Chapter 2 Algorithm Analysis
Chapter 3 Lists, Stacks, and Queues
Chapter 4 Trees
Chapter 5 Hashing
Chapter 6 Priority Queues (Heaps)
Chapter 7 Sorting
Chapter 8 The Disjoint Sets Class
Chapter 9 Graph Algorithms
Chapter 10 Algorithm Design Techniques
Chapter 11 Amortized Analysis
Chapter 12 Advanced Data Structures and Implementation
Appendix A Separate Compilation of Class Templates
• 本書旨在同時教導學生良好的程式設計和演算法分析技能,使他們能夠以最高效率開發複雜的程式。
• 通過在實際編碼之前分析演算法,學生可以決定特定解決方案是否可行,並了解如何通過仔細的實現來減少大量數據的時間限制。每個演算法或數據結構都會附上其運行時間的解釋。
• 本書適合進階數據結構(CS7)課程或研究生第一年的演算法分析課程。隨著入門課程從兩門擴展到三門,本書在第三門課程結束時非常理想,為演算法課程鋪平道路。
• 演算法和設計技術的討論涵蓋貪婪演算法、分治演算法、動態規劃、隨機演算法和回溯法。
• 涵蓋的主題和數據結構包括費波那契堆、偏斜堆、二項隊列、跳躍列表和擺樹。
• 一整章關於攤銷分析,檢視本書前面介紹的進階數據結構。
• 關於進階數據結構及其實現的章節涵蓋紅黑樹、自上而下的擺樹、k-d 樹、配對堆等。
• 每章結尾的練習題按難度排序,加強了章節內容,同時為讀者提供了將這些概念付諸實踐的機會。
• 第四章包括 AVL 樹刪除演算法的實現——這是讀者經常要求的主題。
• 第五章經過大幅修訂和擴充,現在包含兩個較新演算法的材料:布谷哈希(cuckoo hashing)和跳房子哈希(hopscotch hashing)。此外,還新增了一個關於通用哈希(universal hashing)的部分。還新增了對 C++11 中引入的 unordered_set 和 unordered_map 類模板的簡要討論。
• 第六章大部分內容保持不變;然而,二元堆的實現使用了 C++11 中引入的移動操作。
• 第七章現在包含基數排序(radix sort)的材料,並新增了一個關於下界證明的部分。排序代碼使用了 C++11 中引入的移動操作。
• 第八章使用 Seidel 和 Sharir 的新聯合/查找分析,顯示 O( M α(M,N) ) 的界限,而不是先前版本中較弱的 O( Mlog* N ) 界限。
• 第十二章新增了有關後綴樹和後綴數組的材料,包括 Karkkainen 和 Sanders 提出的線性時間後綴數組構造演算法(附實現)。涵蓋確定性跳躍列表和 AA 樹的部分已被刪除。
• 整個文本中的代碼已更新為使用 C++11。值得注意的是,這意味著使用了 C++11 的新特性,包括 auto 關鍵字、範圍 for 循環、移動構造和賦值以及統一初始化。
Mark Allen Weiss 是佛羅里達國際大學計算與資訊科學學院的教授及副主任。他目前同時擔任本科生學業主任和研究生學業主任。他於1983年在 Cooper Union 獲得電機工程學士學位,並於1987年在普林斯頓大學獲得計算機科學博士學位,指導教授為 Bob Sedgewick。他自1987年以來一直在 FIU 工作,並於1996年晉升為教授。他的研究興趣包括數據結構、演算法和教育。他以其備受推崇的數據結構教科書而聞名,這些書籍已經被大約一百萬名學生使用了一代。
Weiss 教授在頂級期刊上發表了許多出版物,並於1994年獲得大學的研究卓越獎。1996年,他在 FIU 成為全球第一位使用 Java 程式語言教授數據結構的教師,該語言現在已成為事實上的標準。從1997年到2004年,他擔任進階安置計算機科學發展委員會的成員,並於2000年至2004年擔任該委員會的主席。該委員會設計了課程並編寫了每年有20,000名高中生參加的 AP 考試。
除了1994年的研究獎外,Weiss 教授還於1999年獲得大學的教學卓越獎,以及計算與資訊科學學院的教學卓越獎(2005年)和服務卓越獎(2007年)。
第1章 程式設計:一般概述
第2章 演算法分析
第3章 列表、堆疊和佇列
第4章 樹
第5章 哈希
第6章 優先佇列(堆)
第7章 排序
第8章 不相交集合類
第9章 圖演算法
第10章 演算法設計技術
第11章 攤銷分析
第12章 進階數據結構及其實現
附錄A 類模板的單獨編譯