Engineering Problem Solving with C, 4/e (IE-Paperback)
暫譯: 使用 C 語言的工程問題解決,第四版 (IE-平裝本)

D. M. Etter



This introductory-level C programming book is designed primarily for engineering students required to learn how to program.

In Engineering Problem Solving with C, 4e, best-selling author, Delores Etter, uses real-world engineering and scientific examples and problems throughout the text. Solutions to the problems are developed using the language C and the author's signature five-step problem solving process. Since learning any new skill requires practice at a number of different levels of difficulty, four types of exercises are presented to develop problem-solving skills - Practice! problems, Modify! problems, Short-Answer problems, and Programming problems. The author's clear and precise style creates a highly accessible and readable text for students of all levels.


這本入門級的 C 程式設計書籍主要是為了需要學習程式設計的工程學生而設計的。

在《Engineering Problem Solving with C, 4e》中,暢銷書作者 Delores Etter 在整本書中使用了真實的工程和科學範例及問題。這些問題的解決方案是使用 C 語言和作者獨特的五步驟問題解決過程來開發的。由於學習任何新技能都需要在不同難度層次上進行練習,因此提供了四種類型的練習題來發展問題解決技能 - Practice! 問題、Modify! 問題、Short-Answer 問題和 Programming 問題。作者清晰而精確的風格使得這本書對所有層級的學生都非常易讀且易於理解。