The Rise of the Algorithms: How Youtube and Tiktok Conquered the World

Jordan, John M.

  • 出版商: Penn State University Press
  • 出版日期: 2024-03-19
  • 售價: $1,020
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$969
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 232
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 0271096934
  • ISBN-13: 9780271096933
  • 相關分類: Algorithms-data-structures
  • 無法訂購


The meteoric rise of online video is reshaping the competition for human attention. The Rise of the Algorithms argues that this new technology has changed the way we interact with others, our relationships with public institutions, and our very own behaviors and psyches.

In tracing the origins and evolution of online video, John M. Jordan examines the mechanics--and the ethical stakes--of online video platforms, especially YouTube and TikTok but also others, such as Twitch. Tracing the use of algorithms pioneered by Facebook and Google and so successfully exploited by TikTok's corporate parent, ByteDance, Jordan shows how these platforms now engineer human behavior--with consequences for culture, politics, and identity. Jordan argues that we are at an inflection point. Until now we have proved, as a society, ill-prepared or unwilling to address such problems as the power of digital platforms, the personal cost of viral celebrity, the invasion of privacy, and the proliferation of disinformation. The Rise of the Algorithms combines this urgent assessment with a clear-eyed discussion of present challenges and recommendations for reclaiming our online futures.

A valuable resource for understanding the transformations that have been and will be brought by YouTube, TikTok, and similar platforms, Jordan's timely book is a vital work for anyone who uses the internet and especially for policy makers, technologists, communication and media specialists, and researchers who have a direct hand in determining the future of our online world.



在追溯線上視頻的起源和演變過程中,John M. Jordan 檢視了線上視頻平台的運作機制及其倫理風險,特別是 YouTube 和 TikTok,還有其他平台,如 Twitch。Jordan 追蹤了 Facebook 和 Google 首創的算法,以及 TikTok 母公司 ByteDance 如何成功利用這些算法,展示了這些平台如何操控人類行為,並對文化、政治和身份產生影響。Jordan 認為我們正處於一個轉折點。到目前為止,作為一個社會,我們在應對數位平台的權力、病毒式名人的個人代價、隱私侵害以及假資訊的擴散等問題上,顯得準備不足或不願意面對。《算法的崛起》將這一緊迫的評估與對當前挑戰的清晰討論及重建我們線上未來的建議相結合。

這本書是理解 YouTube、TikTok 和類似平台所帶來的變革的重要資源,Jordan 的及時著作對於任何使用互聯網的人,尤其是政策制定者、技術專家、傳播和媒體專業人士以及直接參與決定我們線上世界未來的研究者來說,都是一部重要的作品。


John M. Jordan directs the professional doctoral program at the Syracuse University School of Information Studies. In addition to previously teaching at Harvard and Penn State, he also spent ten years in industry, including roles as Director of Internet Research at the Ernst & Young Center for Business Innovation and a principal in the Office of the Chief Technologist at Capgemini. He is the author of seven books, including Robots and 3D Printing.


約翰·M·喬丹(John M. Jordan)負責雪城大學資訊研究學院的專業博士課程。除了曾在哈佛大學和賓州州立大學任教外,他還在業界工作了十年,擔任過安永商業創新中心的網路研究主任以及Capgemini首席技術官辦公室的主要成員。他是七本書的作者,包括《機器人》(Robots)和《3D列印》(3D Printing)。