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This concise guide to the Java programming language, version 5.0, offers a quick reference for the reader who wants to know the language in greater detail than that provided by the standard text or language reference book. It presents the entire Java programming language and essential parts of the class libraries -- the collection classes and the input-output classes.
The second edition adds material on autoboxing of primitive types, string formatting, variable-arity methods, the enhanced for statement, enum types, generic types and methods, reflection, and meta-data annotations. It has been updated throughout to reflect the changes from Java 1.4 to Java 5.0. The final section summarizes and illustrates the new features of Java 5.0 and compares them to the C# programming language. General rules are shown on left-hand pages and corresponding examples on right-hand pages. All examples are fragments of legal Java programs and the complete ready-to-run example programs can be found at the book's Web site, http://www.dina.kvl.dk/~sestoft/javaprecisely/.
Peter Sestoft is Professor of Information Technology at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University and at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Table of Contents:
Preface ix Notational Conventions x 1. Running Java: Compilation, Loading, and Execution 2 2. Names and Reserved Names 2 3. Java Naming Conventions 2 4. Comments and Program Layout 2 5. Types 4 6. Variables, Parameters, Fields, and Scope 8 7. Strings 10 8. Arrays 16 9. Classes 20 10. Classes and Objects in the Computer 32 11. Expressions 34 12. Statements 46 13. Interfaces 60 14. Enum Types (Java 5.0) 62 15. Exceptions, Checked and Unchecked 64 16. Threads, Concurrent Execution, and Synchronization 66 17. Compilation, Source Files, Class Names, and Class Files 72 18. Packages and Jar Files 72 19. Mathematical Functions 74 20. String Builders and String Buffers 76 21. Generic Types and Methods (Java 5.0) 78 22. Generic Collections and Maps (Java 5.0) 92 23. Input and Output 110 24. Reflection 134 25. Metadata Annotation (Java 5.0) 138 26. What Is New in Java 5.0 140 References 142 Index 143