Knowledge for Sale: The Neoliberal Takeover of Higher Education

Busch, Lawrence

  • 出版商: MIT
  • 出版日期: 2023-09-19
  • 售價: $1,100
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,045
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 176
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 0262549263
  • ISBN-13: 9780262549264
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


How free-market fundamentalists have shifted the focus of higher education to competition, metrics, consumer demand, and return on investment, and why we should change this.

A new philosophy of higher education has taken hold in institutions around the world. Its supporters disavow the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake and argue that the only knowledge worth pursuing is that with more or less immediate market value. Every other kind of learning is downgraded, its budget cut. In Knowledge for Sale, Lawrence Busch challenges this market-driven approach.

The rationale for the current thinking, Busch explains, comes from neoliberal economics, which calls for reorganizing society around the needs of the market. The market-influenced changes to higher education include shifting the cost of education from the state to the individual, turning education from a public good to a private good subject to consumer demand; redefining higher education as a search for the highest-paying job; and turning scholarly research into a competition based on metrics including number of citations and value of grants. Students, administrators, and scholars have begun to think of themselves as economic actors rather than seekers of knowledge.

Arguing for active resistance to this takeover, Busch urges us to burst the neoliberal bubble, to imagine a future not dictated by the market, a future in which there is a more educated citizenry and in which the old dichotomies--market and state, nature and culture, and equality and liberty--break down. In this future, universities value learning and not training, scholarship grapples with society's most pressing problems rather than quick fixes for corporate interests, and democracy is enriched by its educated and engaged citizens.



一種新的高等教育理念在全球的機構中逐漸成形。其支持者否定為了知識本身而追求知識的價值,並主張唯一值得追求的知識是具有或多或少立即市場價值的知識。其他類型的學習則被降級,預算被削減。在《Knowledge for Sale》中,Lawrence Busch 挑戰這種以市場為驅動的做法。

Busch 解釋說,當前思維的根據來自於新自由主義經濟學,該理論主張應根據市場需求重組社會。受市場影響的高等教育變革包括將教育成本從國家轉移到個人,將教育從公共財轉變為受消費者需求影響的私有財;重新定義高等教育為尋找高薪工作的過程;以及將學術研究轉變為基於指標的競爭,包括引用次數和資助價值。學生、管理者和學者開始將自己視為經濟行為者,而非知識的追求者。

Busch 主張積極抵抗這種接管,呼籲我們打破新自由主義的泡沫,想像一個不受市場支配的未來,一個擁有更高素質公民的未來,在這個未來中,舊有的二元對立——市場與國家、自然與文化、平等與自由——將被打破。在這個未來, universities 重視學習而非訓練,學術研究面對社會最迫切的問題,而非為企業利益提供快速解決方案,民主則因其受過教育和積極參與的公民而得到豐富。


Lawrence Busch is University Distinguished Professor of Sociology at Michigan State University and the author of Standards: Recipes for Reality (MIT Press).


Lawrence Busch 是密西根州立大學的傑出社會學教授,也是《Standards: Recipes for Reality》(麻省理工學院出版社)的作者。